Journalling Gratitude

Day 6

Tara Rachyl
Creating a Gratitude Habit
3 min readJan 4, 2014


Let’s just get right to it, today. Shall we?

  1. Saabi on Manson. This is my “local” coffee shop. And by “local”, I really mean “preferred”, because it is 6 kms from the house and I have to ignore the 3+ coffee shops in my own suburb and the handful of little cafes on the way to Saabi. (I’m looking at you, specifically, Dandelion & Driftwood.) Yes, the coffee is gorgeous, divine, delicious, perfect. And I am always, always grateful for coffee. But, today, I am equally as grateful for Saabi in and of itself. Saabi is really a community. A community bonded by wonderful coffee and delicious food, yes. But, also a community bonded by the sense of belonging that you feel when you step foot in the door. I often check-in to Saabi via the Yelp app (earning myself the nickname “Duchess”, which I looooove) citing it as my place for caw-fee (American pronunciation)and comfort. True story. I can just tuck in to a table and leisurely sip a Flat White or some (read: many) times to dig into a heaping serve of Mashed Avocado on Pumpkin Ciabatta. In doing so, I let my worries just slip away and delight in the spirit of this tiny cafe and its welcoming, lovely staff.
  2. Living / Being born in the 1st world. I've only travelled to a couple of third world countries and, arguably, to one second world country. And that was enough to teach me just how incredibly good I / we have it living in the 1st. I’m feeling this gratitude today because it is SO FECKIN’ HOT in Brisbane. It’s slated to be 106(F) / 41(C) today. And I, in my life of First World Problems, have access to Air Conditioning and cold, clear, clean water. I can escape this heat. Easily. I do not have to suffer through it.
  3. Girlfriends — new and old.
This image was found on my Instagram feed by user summahodonnell. It’s perfect.

2013 brought me four new girlfriends and reminded me how much I need women in my life. At a time when I was missing my close girlfriends back home, the universe gifted me with new, local friends. These women have provided me with endless smiles and laughter and extended encouragement and help to me. These women have reminded me my life matters and I have something to contribute. These women have shown me kindness and non-judgement, showing me how to come out of wallow and self-pity to feel built up and close to whole again. So. much. love. for girlfriends.

4. Music. For connecting me with emotions. Songs for saying what I can not. For lifting me up, improving my mood. For sometimes helping me concentrate and for sometimes distracting me. For the goosebumps, so many goosebumps.

5. Sleep. Because you feel so good in yourself when you are rested. Because it’s time for your body to repair itself. And because dreams are cool.



Tara Rachyl
Creating a Gratitude Habit

Digital Marketer, passions include social/new media, learning to lead & self-actualisation. Chef's wife / foodie. #ExPat #Hoosier.