Positive affirmations aka Prayers

Antoniya K. Zorluer
Creating a Happy Life
3 min readFeb 6, 2015

from mintyhideout.com

Long time no see guys but life has turned me around several times for this period of absence (but couldn’t kick me down, no way) so here I come with some more positive attitude…..

Two things today:

1. Praying for what you want

2. Praying for what you don’t want

First I know religion and positive thinking don’t always go hand in hand but this time they fit so well….Okay if you don’t have a religion this doesn’t really matter, if you believe in science I get it, I mean I get anything….

But all of us have been exposed to religion in one way or the other — in our families, communities, from the media, etc….One thing that is part of every religion is the PRAYER — yes, before bed, five times a day, meditation — it is all prayer.

Why is it so important and what does it have to do with positive thinking? Did you ever hear someone praying for what they don’t want? Nope right, it doesn’t make sense. So in short — prayer is like the positive affirmations, its our communication with the universe(or the Almighty however you prefer), it’s our chance to tell the universe how we feel.

So what is prayer: 1. Thanks for everything we have or we are 2. Forgiveness for our imperfections and 3. Asking for what we really want. That’s it basically. The prayer technique has been around for ages and it works — it helps us communicate with the ‘higher force’ (yeah, a Star Wars fan I am).

Pay attention now — positive affirmations are just a new form of prayer!!! We thank, we ask and we hope for what we think will make us happy. So positive thinking and religion (in its original form) are so close to each other that it’s just ridiculous how we haven’t all figured it out yet.

I am praying again for a couple of days and feel so empowered, so part of the universe, its AWESOME. Just try it out, it’s so easy. Follow the formula: 1. Thank you for….2. Forgive me for…..3. Please…..

What about praying for something we don’t want? How is that even possible? We do it every time we worry or we play out the worst scenarios in our heads, the more times we do it the more realistic it becomes and the universe accepts it as our prayer. I know it is really hard not to do it, not to imagine our worst fears but when we start with intentional positive prayers those thoughts will go away! I promise

Don’t forget — the universe doesn’t know what you want, it just reads your energy and hears your prayers, so don’t pray for what you don’t want!

Happy thoughts=happy future!


from mintyhideout.com

