Positive Psychology Is a Thing — TED video Martin Seligman

Antoniya K. Zorluer
Creating a Happy Life
2 min readFeb 6, 2015

from mintyhideout.com

I am very excited (as usual, I know now you don’t get impressed by my excitement)

I love it when science proves positive thinking right.

I love it when science supports happiness and helps us become happier.

I think science and spirituality are not opposite — they are the same thing.

Anyway, the video below is one more proof that positive thinking and happiness are not wishful thinking and a vague dream, but a real THING, a real ISSUE in our lives just like cooking dinner and listening to music.

First, I want to express my admiration to the father of

Positive Psychology

Martin Seligman

Positive psychology has nothing to do with the law of attraction, fake promises and ideas about yourself.

As Dr. Seligman, explains in his video psychology has been too long concerned with fixing instead of preventing.

I actually think that this is a general problem and disadvantage in the functioning of modern medicine — we start doing something after the fact.

Anyhow, positive psychology is all about preventing therapy, preventing illness and LIVING A HAPPY LIFE.

Positive psychology is now a legitimate part of modern psychology, thanks to Dr. Seligman and helps hundreds of thousands of people find happiness and live a happy life. Positive psychology prevents mental illnesses like depression and anxiety disorder by helping people live a happy and mentally healthy life.

I think positive psychology is the most revolutionary and powerful thing that has happened to psychology. Now we can all try to be happy, supported by sound science.

But that’s enough from Minty. I found a TED talk (yes, my favorite guys) from Dr. Martin Seligman that will explain all about positive psychology to you, if you are interested.

Watch here and enjoy

from mintyhideout.com

