Your Necessary First Step to Creating Powerful UX Metrics

Jared M. Spool
UX Strategy Playbook with Jared Spool
5 min readFeb 18, 2020


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When an organization’s leadership values design, it falls on UX design leaders to show how good design is continuing to deliver that value. And in organizations where the executive leadership doesn’t yet value design, UX team leaders need to show how much poor UX design is costing the organization.

When UX design leaders arrive at our Creating a UX Strategy Playbook workshop, how do I measure the value of my designs is often their top question. They are responding to the desire, from their organization’s leadership, to justify continued investment in their UX design efforts. Fortunately, we’ve designed the workshop to give those UX design leaders strategies to develop powerful UX metrics.

Existing metrics probably won’t work

Design leaders who aren’t thinking strategically fall into a trap. When asked for some sort of UX metrics, they’ll use data and metrics the organization is already collecting.

Their organization is likely already measuring activity of their users, such as page views, button clicks, bounce rate, or conversion rate. They are likely collecting data from attitudinal surveys, like Net Promoter Score or customer satisfaction measures.



Jared M. Spool
UX Strategy Playbook with Jared Spool

Maker of Awesomeness at Center Centre - UIE. Helping designers everywhere help their organizations deliver well-designed products and services.