Dear Resistance

I will not let you win

Creating an exciting life


For those who haven’t read ‘The War of Art’, in this book Steven Pressfield describes Resistance as “A negative force that prevents us from doing our work”. It’s the force within us that doesn’t want to get things done, the force that holds us back from reaching our potential.

For the past 2 years, I’ve believed everything Resistance has told me:

“It’s 6am, that’s way too early for you. You should get some more rest.”

“No don’t go talk to her, she probably doesn’t want to be bothered right now. Do it next time.”

“Watch some more youtube videos, there’s so much to learn here. You can study for your exam tomorrow.”

It’s so seductive, it says exactly what you need to hear, to not do what you need to do. It knows your weakness and it will use it against you.

Resistance will keep you from doing the work necessary to reach your dreams till the day you take your last breath.

Every single day, from the moment I wake up to the second I fall asleep, Resistance is there. Trying to get me to quit, to not even try. I can feel it right now, telling me that I should go check the new 100+ posts on tumblr, instead of writing.

All the excuses we’ve used:

“No one will like my work”; “I’m not that good at it, so I won’t do it”; “No one will read it, why waste my time”.

It’s Resistance and we can’t let it win! This is probably the hardest battle we will ever fight in our lives, and we will fight it until the our last days.

But every day that we beat Resistance, every day that we do that little 1%, is a day closer to your dreams, and that makes it all worth it.

Most of us have to lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two, stands Resistance. — Steven Pressfield

Stay awesome ☺



Creating an exciting life

Student of life, learning how to grow up and all that hard stuff. New posts every Sunday. @tinobacela