How do you know you’re good?

I make music, but I’m not as good as I want to be yet. Essentially, every time I go on Soundcloud I get very demotivated because of the amount of talented people on it.

However, a large number of the people that have heard my music agree that it’s really good. Especially the songs I’m not proud of, the ones I wouldn’t show to anybody because I genuinely thought they weren’t good.

Essentially, a lot of people agree that I’m a very good producer. The problem is, I have a hard time believing them.

But in recent days I’ve noticed something.

1. I have a friend that sings and she’s amazing, but she hates her voice. Many people have told her how amazing she is, yet she doesn’t believe them;

2. I have a friend that writes and she’s so good. I get jealous. She has also been told that she’s good, yet she doesn’t believe it.

So this raises a question? How do you know you’re good? When will you create something and be very happy with it?

Well you don’t! You never know! That’s how art is. Constant insecurity and never being happy with what you do. Thinking, “other people won’t like this” and when they tell you they love it, you not believing them.

You never really know, you simply believe it! You believe that you’re really good at your craft and at some point your belief will become so compelling it will feel like a certainty.

So believe in yourself, believe that you’re good and you’ll become great. Even if you don’t believe it, put it out there. Because someone will love it and the people that want you to do whatever it is that you do are depending on you. Stop stopping yourself, leave that to other people. You need to realize that most of the times you’re not the best person to judge your own work.

If people agree that you’re good, maybe you should start believing them!



Creating an exciting life

Student of life, learning how to grow up and all that hard stuff. New posts every Sunday. @tinobacela