Creating Conscious Change can save your life!

Gabriela Buich
Creating conscious change
3 min readMar 13, 2019
Credit: Adobe Stock

Loneliness is the largest contributor to death on this planet. Researchers at Brigham Young University found that individuals who described themselves as lonely had a 50 percent increased risk of an early death. I fiercely believe that every human interaction matters, especially when people are spending more time indoors and in solitude.

We can feel more connected with others in our lives by learning how to be engaged consistently — whether it’s face to face, over email, or via phone. We can begin to craft the long life that we desire by committing to adopt and practice creating positive connections, every day. When we learn to collaborate on mutually desired outcomes we heighten our own awareness and it becomes impossible to abandon.

My mission is to touch hearts every day by Creating Conscious Change! I have been on a 14 year journey to discover what feels like the perfect fit for me. With each aha moment, I am blown away at how I could have missed behavioral patterns that governed my responses and actions for so many years. To find peace, I had to rescript all the stories that I had previously believed represented who I was and what happiness meant to me. I was able to choose what is important in my life and own that I am responsible to myself and to the people with whom I choose to engage. I am 100% accountable for my impact.

With intentional reflection, I have grasped ways to become more effective in communicating with others. When I make a conscious choice to be aware of my actions, thoughts, experiences and behaviors it changes my perspectives. It supports having tough conversations that I previously avoided and inspires me to take risks that have been too intimidating to attempt.

Loneliness can exist even when surrounded. I raised 6 children in a fun, engaging and active life and yet, in all the noise I experienced a sense of loneliness. I was neither supporting my own interests nor filling my own desires with activities or conversations that could inspire connection. In time, the loneliness crept into my daily life and it became a habit. Instead of reaching for joy I held rigidly to the belief that I was “stuck.” Once I began my work as a coach, I became dedicated to nurturing a growth mindset and have made it my priority. I learned through very simple daily rituals of practicing connection that I was able to find my way back to the warmth of human energy. I ask every customer service person for their name whether if it’s on the phone or in person. I greet people in the elevator. I smile at people passing by on the street. By simply acknowledging people I started to feel more aware of my ability to make a difference.

Just like novel acts of kindness increase happiness, connection increases your feelings of belonging. I challenge you to engage in every opportunity that offers an experience with others. By living from your heart, you will offer continuous invitations for people to feel seen and experience your presence. Choose to Create Conscious Change and feel included in your life! Your loneliness will diminish as you begin to practice connecting. 🙏



Gabriela Buich
Creating conscious change

I study the science of awareness and how it can change our daily lives by choosing to make small adjustments that have profound impact.