Building a strong foundation

Michelle Tucker
Creating Digital Futures
2 min readSep 15, 2016
Putting down our ‘Team Canvas’ on paper.

Our first task, and biggest priority, was to build a strong team foundation. Without a secure base to move forward from, nothing else will run well.

We often use tools like a ‘Point of Departure’ and ‘Explorer’, and in this case we used a ‘Team Canvas.’ As none of us had previously worked together we wanted to be sure we created the space to form a great team. We chose to take individual time to fill out our personal goals, needs, expectations, strengths, weaknesses, values and desired outcomes. We then came together and spent a full day sharing and discussing our personal perspectives. We created a large team canvas where we documented some individual points that were important for the other team members to know, such as personal goals, strengths & weaknesses, and what we may expect or need from the other members. We then collaborated on roles, rules & activities, desired outcomes for the team and combined values and purpose.

We took the day to get to know each other better, and look into the different ways we can support each other to work more effectively. We aligned expectations and the purpose of the project. We documented everything both digitally and physically, as it’s not only effective, but feels good to write important things down on paper and have it visually in front of us as we collaborate on it.

We use this canvas as a guide through our entire process. When things get bumpy, as they inevitably do, we can go back and see if we are working with what we had all agreed on. Sometimes things change and that needs to be addressed and re-aligned with the team, and sometimes we just need to get back on track.

Although it can sometimes feel that the time could be better spent by working on the project itself, we all know that creating the space for this crucial groundwork will build understanding, trust and respect. We created a safe space allowing us all to be ourselves and feel free to speak what’s on our minds which will lead to us working more creatively & effectively individually and together. With this strong foundation, we’re off to a great start!

The Team.



Michelle Tucker
Creating Digital Futures

A product of the Canadian Prairies. Founder of Still North Co. Perpetually Seeking. Guided by Intuition. Connected to Nature by necessity.