Hyper Island Innovation Day

Michelle Tucker
Creating Digital Futures
2 min readOct 8, 2016

Last week Vasakronan hired Hyper Island to design and facilitate an innovation workshop for all of their employees in four different offices. Our team partnered with Hyper Island to help facilitate 200 of the employees in the Stockholm office.

The workshop Introduction to Vasakronan employees.

The morning began by checking in with the Johan, Miranda and Maritza from the Hyper Island facilitation team and the guest speaker, Stefan from CoLab:X, with everyone sharing how they were feeling. They ran through their purpose and the planning for the workshop and the roles we would all have. We discussed together any questions that came up and did some final preparations.

We kicked off the afternoon by doing an energizer with the facilitation crew. As we filled the office with yells of ‘MaaaaaaaZunga’, we created some energy and hype for ourselves, and sparked curiosity in the gathering participants.

We created three teams within our facilitation team, and divided our responsibility between 25 groups of employees. We guided them through the ‘Stinky Fish’, where they had the chance to write down and then share their biggest fear around innovation. Next was a trend mapping excercise where they took a look at current business and technology trends and discussed how these could have an effect on the business they are in. They spent time prioritizing trends and digging deeper into the one they felt was most relevant to their business. We finished that with individual reflections, and then sharing those reflections in the groups.

After a break and a massive energizer with all the employees, we moved into a team building exercise, ‘the marshmallow challenge’. This was alot of fun, and gave them a chance to work together in new teams to try and complete a task under pressure. Afterwards they could reflect on what happened, how it made them feel and how they reacted.

The workshop went really well. We had alot of fun and learned more through this experience of co-facilitation. Many insights for both us and Vasakronan were gained.

Different teams working on the marshmallow challenge.



Michelle Tucker
Creating Digital Futures

A product of the Canadian Prairies. Founder of Still North Co. Perpetually Seeking. Guided by Intuition. Connected to Nature by necessity.