Find Your Light

Zeyao Li
creating immersive worlds
2 min readNov 10, 2018

A Game about lighting up your inner forest

Game Concept

You are trapped in a fully dark and foggy forest, and you want to get out of here. The only way to make that happen is to find your light and make the forest light up again.

The game is a metaphor for mental illness. The main character has a severe depression, which causes negative and sad feelings every day. He needs to light up the positive aspect of his life and get back to the right track again.


  • The game starts with a fully dark scene
  • The player can move the mouse to rotate the camera and look for the lighting atoms
  • Use “W” “A” “S” “D” to walk around
  • Your health will drop once you start walking
  • The sky will be brighter every time you pick up the atoms
  • You win the game once you fully light up the sky

Core Feature:

As I explained above, the core feature of the game is to find the positive atoms and make the sky brighter. Try to find the direction and the atoms before your health get drained.

Game Mechanics

Data and algorithms used

  • Scoring System: You get a point once you eat the atom
  • Health System: Your health will automatically drop when you start walking
  • Collision and Triggering: The atom has a collision with the character

Internal Economy

  • Health: Your health will running down once you start playing the game and walking around
  • Point: You eat a light ball and get a point!

Game Balance

Positive Feedback

  • You win the game and then enter the next level which will be slightly harder and darker

Negative Feedback

  • You die from running out the health, restart the game
Change the light intensity!
Set the scoring system and the health system (I added the positive and negative feedback after this screenshot — if you run out the health, the game quits, and if you get 10 lights, you win!)
This is for the HUD! Same as getting score
A Simple 2D UI here for the prototype
Game Play Interface, you can see the light is slightly brighter now

Game Demo:

Game Demo! I changed the UI a little bit after this

