Individual Game Final Documentation — Dorm Escape

Ji Hwan Shin
creating immersive worlds
2 min readNov 10, 2018

For my individual project, I decided to bring back the idea I had for the one-button game to create a 3rd person player game. While the controllers are not the same as I envisioned for the one button game, the principles are the same. You have to escape the dorms by avoiding obstacles like the security guard while eating chicken along the way.

This is how the interface looks like. Clearly, you can see the player, “the chicken,” and the security guard (the AI controlled chaser)

I attached the blueprints below for the functions in my game — moving, jumping, spawning, AI chase, and actors(chicken)

Everything seemed to work but for some reason the spawning didn’t I tried defining the areas but the actors(chicken) didn’t show up. The screen printed the numbers but for some reason they didn’t spawn. I think it had something to do with the game mode blueprint.

Due tot time constraints (also the fact that I’m a really slow learner, I wasn’t able to get far, not to mention incorporate nice graphics, in my game. But watching the tutorials really helped me tie the knots in knowing how to navigate gameplay in blueprints. Overall, I had a great time getting to know the basic structures of the game and hopefully will be able to build upon it some more in the future.

