Roundtable: Society’s Change Agents

Risto Sarvas
Creating “Info” Agents
3 min readNov 27, 2018

I’m looking for 3–5 students (or alumni) to help me and Aalto University Executive Education (Aalto EE) plan and implement three roundtable workshops and turn the results into an open and public report.

Send your free form application before December 5th.

Preparing the table for the talks. Photo by Crew on Unsplash.

Together with Aalto EE we have invited circa dozen experts and visionaries from companies, public sector, the investor/startup scene, and academia to take part in three 2-hour workshops to discuss the question What skills and knowledge are required to keep the Finnish society competitive?

The three part roundtable is divided as follows:

What are the societal challenges that require new skills and knowledge?
In other words, what is actually the societal problem(s) in which new (higher level) professional training and university education are the answers?

What is the knowledge, know-how, and skills required?
Once we have a shared understanding of the problem, what kind of education and training solves the problem? What should be taught to address the problem?

How do we create this new knowledge, know-how, and skill-set?
Now that we have identified the problem and share an understanding of the solution, how do we reach that solution in practice? What institutions, organisations, and other stakeholders have a critical role?

If you are interested in joining the core team, please contact me before December 5th. We will plan the first workshop already in December. Fluent Finnish is required as the workshops are in Finnish.

Your help is required in

  • Planning the workshops and helping with the preparations (content and practicalities) starting in December.
  • Facilitating the discussions and being the secretary of each group during the workshop (you will get your own group of ca. 4 experts). We want the experts to discuss, so we need someone to record the discussions and be the eyes and ears of the group.
  • Together with the core team analyse and summarise the workshops (you presenting your group’s discussions).
  • Take part in planning and writing the final report that will be published before summer.

Prepare to book the workshop dates (see above, the first two are from 8–10 and the March one from 15–17). Also, participation requires time to digest, analyse and process each workshop result together with the core team. Finally, after the March workshop time is required to put the report together. I’ll have better time estimates once we get started :)

This initiative is voluntary and pro-bono to all participants (i.e., there is no dedicated funding or budget, and the invited participants get no compensation). However, for Aalto students who would like to invest their time and be part of the organising core team I can offer study credits in the form of a special course (ca. 2–3 credits). However, in my opinion it is the exceptional content and the networking that probably makes participation worth the work :)

Ask more via email or Telegram.

