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Meet the Vocal Media writer platform?

Casimiro Filipe
Criating on Demand
5 min readApr 22, 2020


I recently got to know the Vocal Media platform, and started to investigate, what platform was that that has the characteristics of Medium?

As always, I don’t get involved in platforms without knowing what platform it is, how it works, what are the benefits and why do I have to immigrate there?

But what is Vocal Media anyway?

Vocal Media is a platform to support, discover and reward creators, offering narrative tools and engaged communities so that creators can be discovered and finance their creativity.

Once an account is opened, it is free to open an account as a content creator. You will have the resources that the platform offers to newcomers.

She is almost a look-alike of Medium, differentiating only the posts in the main menu, which in Vocal Media, are presented the interests of the platform.

As soon as members open their accounts, they can start writing their stories, and unlike Medium, on…



Casimiro Filipe
Criating on Demand

Christian Preacher and author of “School for Medium Creators" First author to publish 100% video content on Substack