Stop Hating The 9–5 And Do Something About It

Nicholas Hetzler
Creating Value
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2018

Let’s face it, the typical 9–5 job working for someone else fucking sucks.

You work your ass off for someone else.

There is very little freedom.

And the money you make is not directly correlated to how hard you actually work.

So why do so many people end up working the typical 9–5?

This Can’t Be All There Is To Life, Right?

I recall very vividly driving in my car to work one morning not long ago and looking at all of the other poor saps stuck in traffic and all I could think is, “what in the fuck am I doing?”

“Is this really all there is?”

“Is this how I am going to spend the next 30 years of my life?”

It came over me like a warm blanket and I haven’t been able to shake it since.

I have to imagine there are others on the road everyday that have that same realization.

Is it the false sense of security that a 9–5 gives us?

Is it because that’s what our parents did so we just think that’s what we have to do? I don’t know about you but my parents were fucking miserable going to their same job everyday.

Busting their ass for someone else, coming home exhausted, only to go back the next day and subject themselves to the same shit.

Is this how my future is going to look?

I sure as hell hope not, I can’t believe it took me as long as it did to open my eyes and realize this isn’t what I want.

Now I am not looking down on anyone who is perfectly happy with their 9–5, I just know that its not for me…I want more.

“I believe that if you don’t derive a deep sense of purpose from what you do, if you don’t come radiantly alive several times a day, if you don’t feel deeply grateful at the tremendous good fortune that has been bestowed on you, then you are wasting your life. And life is too short to waste.”

Stop “Wanting” More — Get More

I want to feel a sense of purpose.

I want to wake up and know that my success is going to be a direct result of how hard I work that day.

I want a sense of pride knowing that I made shit happen for myself, I didn’t have to depend on anyone else.

I want to stop living for Friday and dreading Mondays. What kind of life is that where you count down the days of the week, hoping they go by quickly so the weekend will arrive? I don’t want to wish my life away.

“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.”

I want my son to see that there is more than one path in life, he can be successful without following the “traditional” path.

More than anything, I want freedom.

I want freedom from pointless meetings, status reports, corporate politics, bad decisions made by people who don’t care how it will impact their employees lives, and all of the other bullshit that comes with it.

I want to be able to travel, hang out with my wife and son more, and just live my life more on my terms.

I don’t want to sit in a cubicle anymore counting down the hours until I get to go back into traffic and drive with all of the other miserable pissed off folks driving home.

In This Case, The Grass Is Always Greener

I’m not naive, I know that no job is perfect

I know that there is plenty of bullshit when you have your own hustle

The reward is higher but so isn’t the risk

There are no benefits, no bonuses, no raises every year

No paycheck deposited into your account every 2 weeks

But in my mind, the potential positive outweighs any negative that comes with working for yourself.

“Opportunities don’t just happen, you create them”

You Hear Me? It’s Time To Put Up Or Shut Up

I know that there are others reading this right now that feel the exact same way

So what is it that keeps you from breaking away?

What are you doing to change your situation?

Are you sitting there watching Gary V videos everyday and being inspired but then do nothing about it?

I was that guy for a long time. The feeling that you know you were meant for something greater but didn’t know what.

That unfocused energy that you can feel within you wanting to burst out like a beam of light

I have been there, shit, I am still there many days

The difference now is that I am doing something about it

I am trying new things, creating, writing, learning, doing

Anything I can do to build a future for myself that brings me a sense of fulfillment so I can stop waking up and wishing my life away.

If you are fed up with your 9–5, what are you doing about it?

Its now or never and I choose now.

Its time to put up or shut up….




Nicholas Hetzler
Creating Value

Husband. Father. Entreprenewb. Writer. Musician. Trying to learn and grow everyday.