Why do you write?

Orlando González
Creating Value
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2018
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

I love to write simply because it’s a way to learn from myself, it let’s me put in display ideas that I have in my head from time to time and discover new ones that I’ve never thought about before or didn’t give it enough attention. I also do it to give a new point of view to other people who had the same idea as me, helping others is a good thing that I get from writing!

If it helps at least one person then it’s a success!

It helps me take the edge off, I like how it feels like I’m meditating when I’m doing it, doesn’t matter how hard the day was, writing makes me feel better.

Why are you writing?

Are you doing it because you really like it? Or are you doing because someone else told you to do it? Or at our experimenting still and seeing if this is for you?

I think that it’s a decision that you could make as soon as you finish doing one article.

  • Did you enjoy making it?
  • Did it make you want to make another one?
  • Did it feel more like a chore than a hobby or passion?

These are the questions you should be making right after doing it.

You may love to read and hate to write but you cannot love to write and hate to read.

It’s as simple as that.

So next time you want to write or finish writing an article, ask yourself these questions and you’ll have a better understanding of what you want to do and be!

Maybe you’ll be a great writer or maybe you’ll be an awesome reader that uses what’s given to him to succeed! Heck you can even be both and kick ass!

Much Love to all!

