About Creation Storm

How I got motivated to tell my tale

Victor David
Creation Storm


Photo by Juan Gomez on Unsplash

Early Days

When I was a child, I played with trucks and imagined myself driving down a long series of highways, a new adventure always around the corner, always the hero. Or at least the hero’s compass bearer. I liked to keep track of my exploits, but I did it mostly in my mind.

Later, I started writing my imagination down. Couldn’t spell worth a damn it seems, so I learned how to use a pencil instead of a pen. Fun times.

Later still, the typewriter was invented, and I pounded on the keys at night. By the way, if you don’t know what it’s like writing on a typewriter, please accept my congratulations. It’s a pain in the ass.

Computer Age

When personal computers made their appearance, I jumped. Threw my white-out in the trash and never looked back. My thanks and gratitude go out to those hearty IT pioneers.

I continued to write, but in the summer of 2003, a large army of voices came into my head and set up camp. I was compelled to chronicle their stories. It’s still ongoing. Some of those stories must languish forever in the digital shadows, for they don’t warrant coming into the light, but others are quite good.

But Marketing



Victor David
Creation Storm

Stories, poetry, essays, observations, philosophy. Ex-military progressive. Seeking Cuban coffee. Have moved shop to: https://dcreed.substack.com