An Analytic Anthem — New Divide

Inspired By The Godfathers Of Reason — Linkin Park

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics


Having written at length about the Data Divide or Analytic Divide and it having been a while since my last music inspired article, I thought it be interesting to use a song by Linkin Park for this one. It is a song that I have always heard deep with analytic overtones. This isn’t a parody — just inspired.

Historically speaking music, mathematics, and analytics have been tied since the dawn of civilization. Analytics is as much an art as a science. So to find easy associations in any song is typically not too difficult.

The New Divide starts with darkness, mystery, and flashes. Things are blurred and yet, there comes a sign, a signal, and a voice. All of which is laden with a sense of causality. It is dark and foreboding, secretive and anything other than certain. It very much matches elements of the analytic story.

While the song can be a little overly dramatic and dark, analytics is often plagued by a lack of data. Companies find themselves with a sense of nothingness. This often leads to accusations, excuses, dismissals, and an almost passive drama of unknowing. There is a divide between want any company has and what it wants.

Enter the analyst. Enter the analytic process. Enter reason. When companies fraught with despair, loss, and blindness are empowered with new data — the ensuing flood of information can seem overwhelming. Many return to a new despair, a new divide. Some even long for the return of ignorance.

This is a perfect time for an instrumental… or maybe instrumentation. It is a time to embrace technology and even a little artistic flair. It is a time to prioritize and move forward.

As data flows, old assumptions are challenged. Old ways of dong things are shown to be ripe with misconception… even lies. Some try to deny this, some regret it, some are overwhelmed by what now is perceived as past mistakes. But a steady plan and a steady voice will lead a company past its old shortcomings…

When a company embraces analytics, it is often from a point of despair, drama, desperation, and confusion. Often the drama that follows overwhelms young companies and young analysts. This leads to efforts to confine efforts, retreat from scary truths, or just scream into the mic… With a little artistry, an experienced analysts can move through it. When they do, the drama becomes the foundation for future glory. A battle hymn of progress, reason, and crossing each New Divide.

Learn from Linkin Park. Embrace the drama and emotion. Keep a strong voice. Embrace reason. Uncover truth. And cross the divide. Thanks for reading.



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!