Analytic Insight from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Inspirational Quotes on Mistakes That Should Be Terminated

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2016


This article was inspired by one of Hollywood’s most quotable and iconic celebrities. It is a light-heated reminder of many of the common mistakes made by analysts the world over. Enjoy the quotes, enjoy the memories, but also try to remember the lessons.

It’s Not A Toomah! — Kindergarten Cop

Misdiagnosis or premature diagnosis are issues the analyst world over. From the talking heads of the mass media to the head of the WHO, analysts do this all the time. No matter how many times we see it and experience it, we still fall victim to the seduction of being the first to diagnose an issue.

Analyst’s should learn from Detective John Kimble. Calm down. Think it through and be certain you have all the necessary facts. Being quickest or first is not all its cracked up to be.

Oh, obviously! The moment I sat down I thought I was looking into a mirror. — Twins

Poor classification or identification is another hallmark of analytic missteps. Analysts often fail to look deep enough. They fail to think critically. They focus too much on superficial concepts and attributes.

Julius Benedict suspended his disbelief, leave yours on hold as well. Look deep, compare, contrast and create classifications and identities that deliver true insight.

We will tell the the whole world, that we speak, the truth. No force can stop us now, we’re cool, we’re badasses, blah, blah, blah. — True Lies

Don’t believe the hype. If it is oversold, it probably isn’t true. Analyst should stay contrarians. There is more value an validity in uncovering myths and falsehoods than playing along with the hype. Be wary of employees or colleagues who appear too eager to find the client or partner the answer they are looking for.

Goal seeking is a legitimate technique… for building stress tests, what-if analysis, and other functions of strategy and planning support. Goal seeking on behalf of a client is just bias confirmation on steroids. Don’t be an enabler. If you find one of your staff unable to mend their wicked ways, borrow another line from Harry Tasker. “You’re Fired!” … yes, Arnold said it long before The Donald.

Rubber baby buggie bumpers! — Last Action Hero

Sometimes you need to think outside the box, to do the unexpected. Analysts can contribute to innovation. They can be creative, but only if they are willing to try new perspectives, new techniques, and new experiments.

It is interesting that a group who pioneered experimental design, so often gets caught in ruts of monotony. As an analyst, you must have invested heavily in your education. Don’t stop. Keep learning. Keep experimenting. Like Jack Slater, be unpredictable.

Where am I? — Total Recall

As an analyst, sometimes you ask questions and things don’t cooperate.

Douglas Quaid: Where am I?

Johnnycab: You’re in a Johnnycab.

Douglas Quaid: I mean, what am I doing here?

Johnnycab: I’m sorry. Would you please rephrase the question?

Douglas Quaid: How did I get in this taxi?

Johnnycab: The door opened. You got in.

Computers, systems, data, and clients rarely respond to questions in the way you wish, at least initially. Analysts must learn to phrase questions in helpful ways. They need to provide guidance without biasing response.

Douglas Quaid may never have really gotten the answers he was looking for, but that shouldn’t discourage you. For more thoughts on developing strong analytic questions, check out my Analyst Interrogative series available through Comprehension 360.

I’ll be back!

IMDB list more than 33 movies in Arnold’s filmography, starting with Conan the Barbarian. There are plenty more quotes to draw on. If you like this article, please recommend it below ❤. Stay tuned for a second installment of Analytic Insight from the Austrian Oak… yeah, they called him that once.

For more from Arnold consider:



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!