Analytic Perspective From Marvel Netflix

Episode IV — Superhero Lessons In Analytics, Season 2

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2018


During the time line of this series, two superhero titles were not featured. Luke Cage and Iron Fist, members of Marvel’s Netflix stable have never inspired an episode. To be honest, while I watched both seasons of each — there never really seemed to be any analytics tie in. That was until these past few weeks…

While I can not discount the Thanos snap hypothesis, I submit that these shows were cancelled specifically due to their lack of analytic analogies. Businesses that do not invest in analytics fail constantly. Why should superhero TV shows be any different?

In an interesting paradox… okay, interesting in terms for people who read (or write) articles on analytics inspired by superhero shows… their very lack of analytic tie ins became the tie in. And so here they are, inspiration post mortem. Two glowing examples… well one glowing and the other bullet-proof… of why investing in a little intelligence can go a long way.

Remember too, our articles are often broadly inspired. We utilize technology, training, strategy, deduction, and more to create hooks. None of these facets were very present in anything either show provided us. What little we got was mostly lifted from cross overs and the Defenders.

“I want answers” — Danny Rand

Danny did very little to provide answers. He sought out some people. He had some conversations. Sometimes he punched some folks. Still, no real sign of any tangible intelligence. By the end of his series, he is literally ready to give all of his powers away because he clearly is struggling to handle them.

Superpowers are complicated, but then so is business. Danny isn’t good at either. Perhaps if Danny had invested some of Rand’s technology in something other than Knight’s robohand, audiences would have found him more interesting, compelling, or inspiring. As it was, Misty Knight was the lone tie to analytics. Her character appeared on both shows and offered some compelling analytic inspiration. For about 5 minutes…

“You can’t fix me. I’m unbreakable.”―Luke Cage

Both Iron Fist and Luke Cage featured characters with massive amounts of raw power. They were not engaged in battles of wits, though sometimes magic. Both were quite different from the other three Marvel titles on Netflix. Matt, Jessica, and Frank have all been branded quite vulnerable. All three have relied heavily on wits and strategy to develop their plot lines. Incidentally, you may want to credit the villain choices of Jessica Jones for saving her a similar fate.

Businesses too can feel unbreakable. Strong growth and early success can allow them to feel as if investing in analytics or business intelligence is unnecessary or too clever. This works just fine, until it doesn’t. Suddenly, next years projections are due and the budget just won’t cut it.

I personally hope that Heroes for Hire, Defenders, or Avengers 4 sees the return of Luke and Danny. But I hope when they return, it comes with an investment in insight, technology, intelligence, or strategy. It is the only way it will be anything more than temporary. Thanks for reading!

For more Superhero inspiration:



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!