Analytic Perspective From Sherlock Holmes

Episode II— Superhero Lessons In Analytics, Season 2

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2018


In our second installment of the season, we take a look at Sherlock Holmes. Specifically the character from the 2009 movie.

Is he a superhero? That is perhaps a lengthy debate. He certainly plays the part in many respects. I suppose you could argue otherwise in many others.

He is certainly a super analyst. So if you will allow me to cast him as a superhero, I would offer he is among the best for the purposes of this article and our series.

Holmes offers a very different perspective than most heroes. This despite the fact that he might be among the most classic. Let us not forget that DC stands for Detective Comics. That line up includes both Batman and Sherlock Holmes (though the latter is clearly not an original).

Data, data, data. I cannot make bricks without clay.

Holmes is a detective. His weapon is logic. He is the master of reasoning both deductive and inductive (the latter is actually more often his path). But the movie version of our character brings us some other inspiration as well.

For starters, the number of references to data alone in the 2009 movie is amazing! The clip above is among my favorites, but Holmes has plenty.

Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

Holmes also has plenty to offer on the thought processes of an analyst by nature. He portrays with a healthy level of drama and mystique but one can hardly fault him for living up to the stereotypes. Every analyst needs a little branding now and again.

My mind rebels at stagnation! Give me problems! Give me work!

This mustn’t register on an emotional level…

Holmes provides us with an iterative play-by-play of the process of synthesis. Yes, he breaks down the process and that is analysis. But Holmes analysis develops a step-by-step strategy for neutralizing his opponent. Adding further elegance, his plan includes behavioral analysis, forecasting, and projection. How is that for actionable intelligence?

Another interesting nuance of this exchange is the nature of the narrative. It is as if Holmes has multiple voices in his head. Perhaps that is a statement on the darker psychology of the character Robert Downey, Jr portrayed — or perhaps it is insight into the multiple processing and multiple perspective nature of truly great analysts? More likely, this is art afterall, it straddles a line between the two. Either way — it is a fantastic illustration of the process.

Perspective, iteration, analysis, and synthesis are all powerful assets to any analyst. They are, dare I say, super powers? So is Sherlock Holmes a superhero? I argue yes. While his powers may actually be attainable for the rest of us, they for the most part remain purely aspirational. A bit like becoming as rich as Bruce Wayne…

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more. And if you are wondering who would win in a battle between Batman & Sherlock Holmes… here is a little perspective.



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!