A Promising, New Series Featuring Technology & Analytics

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2017


Fox’s new series about a billionaire technology maven taking control of a Chicago police district began last Monday. Whether the series will be successful remains to be seen, but the writers have already given us at least one interesting hour of television.

The show revolves around Gideon Reeves, a silicon valley style billionaire in the mode of Peter Thiel or Elon Musk. When his longtime friend is killed in a convenience store heist, Gideon goes full Libertarian and opts to buy the Chicago precinct in which this murder occurred. The particulars of this set-up are a bit awkward but it serves to create a story line that should make for some compelling television.

Reeves quickly brings in his own all-star cast of IT folks and a state-of-the-art array of technology that would make Tony Stark jealous. The show tosses in a single mom, a technology challenged captain (though former Ghost Buster), and some angry anti-change cops for good measure. But it is the supporting cast that make this show unique and relevant for one of our articles.

Also Starring…

While not listed in the shows cast, technically the title character is a phone app. APB is actually an application in which crime reports are crowd sourced by the citizens of this Chicago precinct. The show even deals (briefly) with issues like false reporting and user experimentation. At one point, our conservative group of tech-wary cops even pushes to put the app in the hands of criminals. Noting that they are often a better source of predictive data (well in cop-speak).

Also losing out in the billing is the as-yet-to-be-named drone. The drone actually performs more recon, chase scenes, and general action than most of the officers. It even gets its own taser. And while a reference is made at one point in the show to KITT, the Knight Rider car, the drone is far more of a partner in crime fighting than the suped-up police cruisers referenced by the characters.

Supporting roles are provided by a whole host of technology, information systems, and even brief interludes of analysis. Geographic Information Systems are making more and more cameos these days on shows like The Flash, The Arrow, The Blacklist, and Blindspot. But the first episode gave us GIS and other Tech Porn worthy of a half season of Hawaii Five-O.

There were even moments when subjects like sampling, filtering, prediction, and behavioral science were discussed (briefly). If like me, you appreciate the effort and don’t get caught up too much in the details — it was a great pilot episode! Their is now plenty of potential for this show to either build or crater. It may do a little of both.

APB is a solid attempt at making technology and analytics a silent but vibrant hero in the battle to serve and protect. Only time will tell if this series can catch-on with viewers and advertisers. High-tech shows are often challenged by heavy budgets — but utilizing a lesser known cast and perhaps utilizing some product placement could provide the show an opportunity to do something truly unique and compelling. Stay tuned to find out.



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!