everybody hates their CRM

Or at least that is what we are hearing…

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2017


When we launched our CRM World Series 2017, we thought it would be a lot like our BI Madness competitions of the past. We expected people to provide comments on why certain software packages were awesome. We also knew that few would be so bold as to tell us that others weren’t so awesome. For as cynical as the internet seems, our demographic likes to keep it positive. We also knew that twice as much feedback would come through less public means — email, dm, and even hallway conversations. We are still pondering that little twist — but many folks don’t want to be on the record.

Perhaps we should have expected the results through week one of the #CRMWS2017. It seems everybody hates their CRM and no one wants to go on the record admitting it! To quote one unnamed source:

“I don’t even want to start knocking down the solutions you’ve listed for fear I will miss one and someone will think it doesn’t suck too! They all do!!!”

Now in fairness, Dmitry Davydov offered us some new solutions — though he is the CMO of one of those companies. Some of our internal contributors provided feedback, but we had to twist arms. Outing George Earl:

“Look, I’ll be objective as I can be. But I am not a big fan of these things… at least they are collecting data… maybe”

The articles we’ve written so far have been widely shared on twitter and facebook. We can’t complain there. But if so few are willing to comment, what can we really learn? It is a challenge.

So let us pose a few questions — perhaps more of you would share then?

  • Are CRM universally hated or is it just an analyst/data people thing? (that is our demo)
  • What do CRM lack that make them so bad?
  • What could they offer to change your mind? (stick to functionality please)
  • Is it that Relationship Management is a better service than product?
  • Are in-house or highly customized solutions just so much better?

We will throw in a prize. We will send a $25 gift card (probably Amazon) to the person or persons with the most thoughtful, informative, and engaging response. No purchase necessary, you will need to provide some contact info (if you win), Corsair’s crew are not eligible, and the winner is solely at the discretion of Corsair’s Publishing.

Thanks for reading! Thanks more for sharing! Leave your comments below or share them on Twitter #CRMWS2017.

We will keep writing on CRM while the World Series plays on. Hopefully, we can uncover some real value in this space.

Neither Terry Crews nor any other everybody hates chris cast members were hurt in the making of this article. The egos of CRM providers may be another matter completely.



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!