Lessons in Strategy & Analytics from Neverland

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics


The first movie I ever saw at the movie theater was Disney’s Peter Pan. It is a fun and exciting story that has been retold countless times. A new take is due from Hollywood again this fall. But this children’s classic can also teach us some powerful lessons in effective analytics and strategy.

1. Always have a North Star

Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning

Whether you need directions to a mystical place like Neverland or are simply trying to build a vision for a successful team or company, you need to have a north star. If you can state it in a simple and memorable way, all the better!

2. Ask How?

Why does he ask you “How”?

Personally — I found Disney’s portrayal of the Indians hard to deal with in the 70s. Looking back, it is even more embarrassing But asking How is sheer analytic gold! How should be the interrogative of choice for every analyst. How questions provide realistic and actionable answers. How forces you to frame your strategy and tactics when approaching a new question or hypothesis.

3. Instrumentation and Alerts

I say, Captain, do you hear something?

The Neverland Pirates were equally stereotyped. The hapless villains of this tale are portrayed as incompetent and comic. But look a little closer and the genius of Captain Hook comes through. Life and business are filled with numerous crocodiles.- dangerous situations that occasionally sneak up and bite you. Our thoughtful Captain counters the danger with a creative take on instrumentation and alerts. Just be careful when you install the clock!

4. Tell a compelling story

All this has happened before, and it will all happen again.

Flying, eternal youth, pixies, indians, mermaids, pirates and crocodile make for an incredible adventure. Add to that a plot filled with comedy, betrayal, and swashbuckling action, and you get a compelling story that remains popular more than six decades after its initial release.

Run of the mill analysis and strategy are quickly forgotten and then far too often, just repeated again. But if you can frame them as a compelling story — well that is real Pixie Dust!

5. Reframing

No one but Disney could provide such a stark example of reframing. Imagine pitching the story of a character whose last name came from the Greek God of Wild, Sex, and Debauchery and his first name was… well unfortunate. Imagine further that this character spends decades on a mystical island before eventually breaking into a young girls room in the middle of the night. He plies her with “Pixie Dust” and essentially abducts her. You would be forgiven if this did not scream children’s classic.

Reframing is a powerful strategy!



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!