Monogamy Is Not A Virtue In Business Or Analytics

Why You Want An Experienced Partner

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2017


“I’ve had other start-ups
I’ve looked into their books…”

Business isn’t love. There is nothing special about innocence.

“I’ve had other gigs
I’ve sailed a thousand ships
But no matter where I go”

Your business, even if it is truly disruptive and revolutionary, needs experience. People who have done it before and know how to do it from plenty of experience. That is not to say that some people can’t be new to the game, even most. But you need to have an experienced hand where it matters.

Unlike Madonna, who was quite innovative in being “Like A Virgin” and “True Blue”, there is no benefit for you in feigning innocence in either business or analytics. There is no chastity belt for your P&L, your numbers, or your data. Hiding them won’t make them Fergulicious…

Your business should…

“Really be promiscuous
Or it will look suspicious
And your numbers be fictitious”

No matter how many kisses you want to blow.

Opened and experienced relationships are perfection in business and analytics. It is good to hire a professional. Contrary to your love life, these serve as protection… no need for Trojans or four AM anxiety attacks…

Four in the morning, & I’m zoning
The numbers a mess, it’s an omen
I keep it 300, like the Romans
300 businesses, where’s the Trojans?
Baby we living in the moment
I’ve been at this for the longest
But I ain’t finished, I’m devoted
And you know it, and you know it

It is about mentorship, experience, and openness. It is something to write a nice song about, one sung by an old hand. Maybe even a duet… a young vibrant but open business and wily veteran analyst… just leave out the headbands.

“To all the jobs I’ve worked before
Who traveled in and out my door
I’m glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the jobs I’ve loved before

To all the talent I once caressed
And may I say, I’ve hired the best
For helping me to grow, I owe a lot, I know
To all the talent I’ve hired before”

There is nothing wrong with the energy and enthusiasm of young talent. It certainly provides room under the salary cap (not quite a musical reference there… or was it). Some large rookie investments leave room to add experience where you need it most. Business is a team sport… song… just go with it.

“You’re lookin’ at the Fridge,
I’m the rookie.
I may be large, but I’m no dumb cookie.
You’ve seen me hit, you’ve seen me run,
When I kick and pass, we’ll have more fun.”

Let your business play the field. Hire experience. Surround it with youth. The more the merrier … no we are not going back to another Kanye video. Sometimes you need to keep love and business separate. Thanks for reading!



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!