The Return Of Master Oogway — Master of Assessment

Lessons in Assessing Truth, Talent, & Potential

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3 min readJun 6, 2018


It has been two and a half years since I first used Master Oogway as inspiration for a piece on customer behavior. As of this writing, it has been read by thousands. It still gets a half dozen readers a day. But Oogway had at least one other tale to tell, so it seemed like high time to revisit our old friend.

Under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, one has the benefit of finding perspective or at least a good analogy or two. Master Oogway spends plenty of time there, engaged in contemplation. Or, said differently, self-assessment.

Assessment Is The Driver Of Wisdom

Technically, Oogway never said that — but he certainly implied it. Under that tree and under Oogway’s guidance, Master Shifu learns that no matter how much control he thinks he has, he can not change the essence of a thing.

Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.

Assessment Is A Guide To Truth

Master Oogway plays the role of assessor. He is also Master Shifu’s guide, but only in helping him to assume that role of guide to Po. Oogway is primarily there to choose the Dragon Warrior and then to defend that truth vigorously.

Assessment is designed to uncover the truth. That is the stated goal. It may or may not uncover potential. Much of achieving potential relies on good guidance and education. This is not lost on our master turtle either.

Shifu: But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!
Oogway: Maybe it can — if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it.

Master Oogway did not just believe in Po. He was far too wise for that. Master Oogway also believed in Master Shifu. Why? Because he has assessed his student turned master long before.

Assessment Is A Powerful Tool

Even after his death, Master Oogway still has some lessons in assessment for his former pupils. The Dragon Scroll, it turns out, is simply a mirror. But what is a mirror? A tool for self-assessment. It is the perfect symbolism and final gift for Shifu and Po… even if one was too dense to get it.

Po: “Okay. So like, Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all?
Shifu: “No. Oogway was wiser than us all.

Learn from the Master. Assessment is a powerful tool. Engage with it. Learn from it. Remember though, it will take more than just assessment to unleash your full potential. It is great way to get started. And thanks for reading!

Read the first article again



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