The Tale of Sir Galahad

Big Data the Holy Grail

Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2015


The Big Data analogy that can be built from Monty Python’s Tale of Sir Galahad is definitely not a common one. It is however, more common than most think and the ending is equally disappointing…

For those who may not recall, Galahad’s tale begins with a montage of our young hero trudging through pouring rains and climbing over steep hills. In the distance, he sees the glowing image of the grail. Alas, the effort and elements are too much and he blacks out before reaching his destination.

The start of this story is strangely heroic for Monty Python. It is not so odd for the world of data analysts. I have met many analysts who put forth great energy and effort to overcome some problem or find some solution only to ultimately come up short. But then the story takes an unlikely twist…

Sir Galahad the Pure awakes to find himself at Castle Anthrax.

ZOOT: Yes. It’s not a very good name, is it?

While not the location of the Holy Grail, the Castle proves to be a very unusual opportunity.

ZOOT (she moves off and GALAHAD unwillingly follows): I’m afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours. We are but eightscore young blondes, all between sixteen and nineteen-and-a-half, cut off in this castle, with no one to protect us. Oooh. It is a lonely life … bathing … dressing … undressing … making exciting underwear….

To his credit, or at least in line with someone labeled both The Pure and The Chaste, Galahad is very wary of this new opportunity. He displays tremendous tenacity and perseverance in trying to stay true to his original quest. But alas, the opportunities of Castle Anthrax prove too tempting.

There is just too much reward and too little risk…

GALAHAD: Well, I suppose I could stay a BIT longer.

At this moment there is a commotion behind and SIR LANCELOT and CONCORD, possibly plus GAWAIN, burst into the bathing area with swords drawn and form themselves round SIR GALAHAD threatening the GIRLS.

LANCELOT: Sir Galahad!

GALAHAD: Oh … hello …



LANCELOT: You are in great peril.

DINGO: No he isn’t

LANCELOT: Silence! Foul temptress!

GALAHAD: Well, she’s got a point.

LANCELOT: We’ll cover your escape!

GALAHAD: Look — I’m fine!

GIRLS: Sir Galahad!

He threatens DINGO.

GALAHAD: No. Look, I can tackle this lot single-handed!

GIRLS: Yes, yes, let him Tackle us single-handed!

LANCELOT: Come Sir Galahad, quickly!

GALAHAD: No, really, I can cope. I can handle this lot easily!

DINGO: Yes, let him handle us easily.

LANCELOT: No sir. Quick!

He starts pulling GALAHAD away.

GALAHAD: No, please. Please! I can defeat them! There’s only a hundred.

GIRLS: He will beat us easily. We haven’t a chance.

By now LANCELOT and CONCORDE have hustled GALAHAD out of the bathing area and are running through the outside door.

LANCELOT: We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril.

GALAHAD (dragging his feet somewhat): I don’t think I was.

Luckily for our hero, Lancelot and the others arrive to save him from almost certain temptation. Galahad is returned to his original and ultimately fruitless quest.

So what does this have to do with Big Data and analytics?

I have seen this scenario play out on numerous occasions. An analyst engaged in a quest for a specific answer, model, or solution stumbles upon an opportunity that proves equally rewarding and often much easier.

Too often, I have also witnessed the nick of time arrival of other analysts who quickly declare the new opportunity to be too distracting, too dangerous, or simply belonging to some other team for further research.

Admittedly, there are very few castles like Anthrax. But, there are more than we realize. Politics, decentralization, and too great a focus on ‘the quest’ have combined to rob us of many rich opportunities.



Decision-First AI
Creative Analytics

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!