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Which Business Intelligence Solution Can Truly Change Your Corporate Culture?

Part I — Data Access

Decision-First AI
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2019


Call it data-driven culture. Call it democratization. I call it access. We are going to start the first round of BI Madness 2019 by examining which of our Top/Final Four contenders does the most to create it. Let’s dig in.

Access is not a simple concept, nor is corporate culture. Both are composed of the behaviors and intentions of individual people. These people create your corporate culture and it is these same people who will need access. So this rounds question is fairly simple —

Which of these solutions does the most to create the most access and best enable data-driven culture?

This is what we are asking you to vote on this round. It is your opinion that matters most, call it democratization. But this article will hopefully provide you a little food for thought, consider it a form of access.

A Case For Qlik

A quick stop on Qlik’s site provides a strong overview of their case in this round. Qlik wants you to see their ease, their speed, their collaboration, and their storytelling. It is the classic case for data democratization. Nothing provides access more thoroughly than the empowerment of people via speed and storytelling. Qlik’s interface is sleek. It’s solutions are elegant. But is this the strongest case for real business access? Some would tell you that Qlik has a steep learning curve and other adoption challenges.

A Case For Tableau

Tableau’s site sings from the same hymnal. But Tableau has a different claim on democratization. With its desktop licensing and best-in-class learning curve, Tableau arguably puts business intelligence into the hands of more people than any other solution. But is ease of use and adoption enough? This product just recently developed enterprise licensing. Isn’t it really just a desktop tool?

A Case For Power BI

Microsoft does not sell so hard along the classic lines. But Power BI is really a hybrid, it is not competing on classic terms. That said, it is uniquely connected to another classic tool. The integration between Power BI and Microsoft Excel makes a strong argument for democratization and access. Today, Power BI is an engine inside the world’s most popular spreadsheet program. For any organization that adopts it, Power BI can empower immense access. But the adoption argument cuts both ways… the adoption rates for Power BI are not as strong an argument as they should be.

A Case For ThoughtSpot

The last contender is likely the most unique in this field. ThoughtSpot is a business intelligence solution that is quite different from the rest. It has no user licensing, the more the merrier. It is a solution that is predicated on search first. ThoughtSpot uses proprietary technology to help users of all levels retrieve intelligence via a simple search functionality. Ask a question. Get an answer. But this isn’t the first technology to promise such things, just the best so far… is that good enough?

Four strong arguments, but perhaps you have more. Feel free to share them in the comments below. But more importantly — now is the time to vote. Use the link below and make your opinion known… anonymously, of course. Tell us which solution you believe creates better access, better democratization, and builds the better culture.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for our second round — available here. And stay with us throughout March Madness to see how each of these solutions fair. Finally, if you think another solution entirely is better at access — leave that in the comment below as well. We love to hear your feedback!

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Decision-First AI

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