About Me and My Purpose

Gursharanjit Singh
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

Hello, readers. My name is Gursharanjit Singh, but many people simply call me Gursh due to the difficulty present in the pronunciation of my forename. I am currently a sophomore at the University at Buffalo.

The purpose of this blog is to showcase research, create techniques, and track my improvement relating to the development of a certain soft skill. The soft skill of focus is creativity. Such a skill is the topic of this blog because of the fact that it sparks my interest as I believe that it is a skill that is beneficial in many aspects of everyday life. It is of importance to me because it is one skill that directly enhances an individual’s other skills. For instance, take into consideration the skill of problem solving. Creatively thinking about a problem can enhance your problem-solving skills. You can think of solutions that are unorthodox and conjunctions of various outside factors. These factors may not have been present in conventional routes to problem-solving.

I personally believe that this skill is one that everyone would benefit from as it has been present in the skills inventories of the world’s greatest inventors, creators, entrepreneurs, etc. They have used it to concoct some of the greatest inventions of our time. If it is possible, I hope that everyone reading this blog attempts to implement my findings into their daily lives. We can all magnify our creative abilities.

Before I dive into this project, there are a few questions that I have in mind. Under what situations do creative insights occurs? Is our creativity enhanced within specific settings? What are those settings? What changes to my daily life can I make to proliferate my creative thinking? These are the questions I hope to answer as I progress through my project. The answers to such questions will definitely help me as I am willing to make any adjustments to my daily life and personality to enhance my creativity.

The goal of this project is for me and my readers to improve the aspects of our lives that relate to creativity. Within group projects, I want to be the individual that thinks of the unique and out of the box proposals. With the assignments presented to me by my professors or employers, I want to be the individual that excels by suggesting creative yet effective solutions to them. My progress within this project will be measured by my success in school-related and work-related activities. Did my grades improve? Is my newly formulated daily routine effective in that I can accomplish all of my assigned tasks for the day?

I plan to achieve this goal by doing extensive research on this skill. I plan on following the tips and tricks presented to me by successful people who have excelled in implementing this skill into their lives. Continual practice along with trials and tribulation procedures will allow me to develop this skill and become the creative individual I want to be.

