Persistence Is Key

Gursharanjit Singh
3 min readMar 7, 2018


As my blog draws to a close, I want to remind everyone that we must be persistent in order to achieve our goals. To reach our creative potentials, we will be confronted with difficulties and failures, but they shouldn’t stop us or dissuade us from trying to accomplish our goals. We should step back, reevaluate, and continue marching on. Within my final blog, I want to offer some tips on how to overcome our oppositions and difficulties.

Tip #1: Break down the Overall Goal

At times, we may become overwhelmed and feel that our overall goal is unattainable due to the scale and complexity of it. To overcome this obstacle, I suggest that we break down our goal into smaller, doable pieces. Rather than always thinking about the huge goal at hand, we could work towards accomplishing smaller goals that we’ve created for ourselves that help us gradually obtain the larger goal. These smaller objectives should be easy and uncomplicated. That way, we are able to complete them at a fast rate, which could install a feeling of accomplishment as we are continually finishing the miniature goals that we have set for ourselves.

Tip #2: Take Short Breaks Between Your Tasks

Our brains can only handle so much information for so long before we start to feel overwhelmed. During these times, it is perfectly okay to take 10-to-30 minute breaks. We can recuperate the energy that we have used and go back to work. There is no purpose in forcing ourselves to work more than we should without well-needed breaks between our tasks.

Tip #3: Do Not Hide from the Face of Failure

We are not perfect nor will we ever be. When failure arrives, it is okay to be upset for a moment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But we cannot let failure destroy our confidence. It shouldn’t hinder our strive for success. Many would say to forget about your failures and focus on the future, but I say otherwise. I believe that we should evaluate the tasks or goals we’ve failed and understand how to better ourselves. We can exercise the areas that we struggle with or have failed in. We need to keep our failures in mind in order to prevent them from happening again.


The tips that I have mentioned in this blog post are some that I follow whenever I set up goals for myself. There have been multiple times in my life where I have failed or been overwhelmed but the tips I have listed have allowed me to be persistent and march on to eventually accomplish my goals. I hope that all of us use these tips for our creative development roads and eventually become the creative individuals we aspire to be!

