7 Smart Ways Marketers Can Use ChatGPT for Viral SEO Content

Ilias Ism
The Creative Business
4 min readNov 6, 2023


Creating high-quality SEO content is hard work. You have to research keywords, craft compelling titles and outlines, and produce posts that capture attention.

What if you could tap into AI to automate parts of the process?

At StoryChief, we use large language models to write marketing copy at scale. We know how valuable AI can be for content creation and optimization.

In this post, we’ll share 7 prompts marketers can use with ChatGPT to take their content to the next level — for free.

FYI: StoryChief eliminates the need for various tools by bringing SEO, writing, reviewing, publishing, and promotion together in one beautiful platform. Start your free plan now!

1. Discover On-Trend Topics With Ease

Stop wasting hours digging through keywords tools. Instead, ask ChatGPT to suggest hot SEO topics in seconds.

Give it a few target keywords and let its algorithms find related long-tail keywords and emerging trends. For example:

ChatGPT prompt:

Suggest 5 high-potential SEO article topics for my marketing agency. Target keywords: content marketing, SEO strategy. Include related long tail keywords.

Pro Tip: Use ChatGPT’s integration with Bing to improve results. The AI doesn’t know the latest trends, so Bing provides up-to-date information from the web.

2. Get Complete SEO Content Frameworks

Creating content outlines from scratch takes ages. Have ChatGPT do the heavy lifting instead.

Give it a topic and let it craft compelling SEO titles, meta descriptions, headers, and summaries. Instant frameworks to build upon. For example:

ChatGPT prompt:

Please create an SEO outline for a beginner’s guide to content marketing with sections on strategy, promotion, and measurement. Include an optimized title, meta description, and H2 headers.

Pro Tip: Review search results on Google to validate the AI’s recommendations.

3. Optimize Drafts to Laser Focus Keywords

Don’t randomly stuff keywords. Have ChatGPT seamlessly optimize drafts by adding:

  • Related LSI keywords
  • Synonyms
  • Natural keyword mentions

This helps pages rank without awkward stuffing. ChatGPT prompt:

Please optimize this content marketing draft to target ‘content promotion strategy’ at a 3% density. Use related terms and natural mentions.

4. Boost Readability for Users and Search Engines

Creating optimized, readable content is difficult. Have ChatGPT:

  • Identify hard-to-read sentences
  • Suggest simpler phrasing
  • Rephrase sentences for clarity

Then you get content optimized for both users and SEO. For example:

This draft is written at a college level. Please simplify sentences and adjust readability to a 7th-8th grade reading level.

5. Make Content More Shareable

Don’t forget the human element. Have ChatGPT add:

  • Interesting stats and facts (verify for accuracy)
  • Relevant analogies
  • Answerable FAQs

This increases engagement and packs in keywords. For example:

Please add 2 stats, 1 analogy, and 3 FAQs with answers to this content marketing draft to boost engagement.

6. Repurpose Content for Social Media

Have ChatGPT transform blogs into snackable social media content. It can analyze posts and create custom excerpts optimized for each platform. For example:

Please create a 100-word summary of this content marketing post optimized for Twitter.

Pro Tip: Use a social media planning tool like StoryChief to schedule and analyze performance.

7. Refine AI-Written Drafts Before Publishing

Carefully review ChatGPT’s work before hitting publish. Have it refine drafts to improve quality. For example:

“Please review this draft and improve any awkward phrasing or repetitive text.”

ChatGPT is powerful, but it still requires human oversight before content goes live. Use it to supercharge your process rather than fully automate it.

Let us know if you have any other clever ways you like to use ChatGPT for content creation and optimization!

Write SEO Content Faster for Your Agency

An AI tool like StoryChief is an agency secret SEO tool for fast SEO content creation and more. Great for writing topics, outlines and editing text until it’s perfect.

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