Why Twitter Should Be Your #1 Marketing Focus in 2024

Ilias Ism
The Creative Business
14 min readNov 8, 2023


Twitter is a powerful marketing channel for indie hackers and small businesses. Learn how to leverage Twitter to grow your audience, engage followers, and promote your products.

X/Twitter may seem like just another social media platform. But underneath the torrent of tweets lies immense marketing potential.

With over 300 million monthly active users, Twitter offers unparalleled reach. Its real-time nature makes it perfect for driving awareness. Twitter enables direct engagement with customers. And its open ecosystem allows content to spread rapidly.

In November 2023, Musk introduced an AI chatbot named Grok intended to answer users’ questions with a touch of humor. Grok leverages real-time world knowledge via X’s Twitter platform. The AI chatbot represents X’s advances in conversational technology.

X also launched a “similar tweets” feature powered by AI. This suggests relevant tweets on topics users are exploring. The tool helps people find and engage with relevant conversations, enhancing the platform’s utility.

While Musk’s management style has created upheaval, it has also spurred product innovation. Features like conversation AI, content discovery tools, and premium subscriptions show Twitter is still investing in its future.

For indie hackers, solopreneurs and small businesses, Twitter/X can become a pivotal marketing channel. But only if utilized strategically.

Why Twitter Matters for Small Businesses

Twitter Marketing for Indie Hackers

Some entrepreneurs underestimate Twitter because they don’t see the value. But consider these compelling benefits:

  • Reach a massive audience — Twitter’s hundreds of millions of Twitter users provide instant access to a huge market.
  • Increase brand awareness — Regularly posting content builds familiarity and mindshare with potential customers.
  • Drive targeted traffic — Tweets can send qualified visitors to your site and products.
  • Generate leads — Twitter is ideal for connecting with potential customers in your niche.
  • Get real-time feedback — The instant responses you’ll get are invaluable for improving your offering.
  • Customer service — Twitter provides a public and transparent channel to support customers.
  • Monitor conversations — Use Twitter lists to keep a pulse on what people are saying about your brand and industry. Use a Twitter bookmark manager to keep track.
  • Competitive analysis — Follow rivals to analyze their positioning and strategy.
  • Affordable marketing — Twitter provides free tools to maximize your presence. For those with a budget, Twitter ads offer a way to amplify reach and target specific user demographics.
  • Distributed network — Content spreads rapidly, going beyond just your immediate followers.

The numbers also speak for themselves. Studies show:

  • Twitter users are 2x more likely to engage with brands.
  • According to Pew Research, about 7-in-10 Twitter users in the United States (69%) say they get news or news headlines on the platform.
  • Tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets.
  • Brands tweeting 5–10 times daily enjoy optimal engagement.

Twitter Marketing Case Studies

Twitter may seem overwhelming at first. But these real-world examples show how real indie hackers and businesses have succeeded.

See how they turned Twitter into a lead and growth engine for their ventures with smart strategies. Let their success stories inspire your own approach.

Growing a Personal Brand in Your Niche

Twitter Analytics for @illyism

My own journey growing my Twitter account @illyism has proven Twitter’s power firsthand.

I started with 0 Twitter followers this year. But by consistently sharing SEO tips, engaging with my Twitter audience and proving myself as a thought leader, I’ve grown to over 1,400 Twitter followers!

After my friend and bigger Indie Hacker Marc Louvion tweeted about my SEO services at MagicSpace, I received 20 solid leads in my direct messages almost overnight! It’s important to connect with the right people.

For my SEO agency, Twitter has become a top source of new business thanks to organic reach and word-of-mouth. The platform’s impact can scale up rapidly. We grew from $0 MRR to now $5000 MRR in less than a month!

Gaining High-Paying Design Clients

Tweet by Nick: STOP THE COUNT!!! We just hit $32k MRR 🔥🔥🔥 Twitter/X is my main source and the only source of lead generation, all organic, and I have yet to spend a dime on ads. People booked 50+ calls in the last 2 months just from X, do not sleep on it.

Nick leveraged Twitter to take his UI design business from struggling to over $65k MRR in just 3 months.

He focused on sharing design process breakdowns and examples instead of self-promotion. Engaging “show and tell” content led to tweets consistently reaching 100k+ impressions.

This built Nick’s authority in his niche and showed him as a thought leader. It led to targeted leads organically finding and engaging with his posts. He took up to 10 calls a day from ideal prospects.

The results prove the power of “building in public” on Twitter with tactical, value-driven content. His expertise attracted clients more effectively than any ads could.

As Nick said in a recent tweet:

Share your progress with the community, and be present and active. Do not let this one slide

Launching a Viral Developer Tool

Tweet by Marc: I can’t believe http://ShipFa.st is 40 days old… 🤯 (showing $50k MRR)

Marc Louvion used Twitter to fuel the growth of his developer boilerplate ShipFast. Since growing from 1k followers in July 2022, he grew to 45k+ followers, now a single announcement tweet for ShipFast reached 167,000 impressions!

His strategy of openly sharing his journey building new projects increased his Twitter following to over 45k in just a year! This enabled Marc to leverage the Twitter algorithm for greater visibility. Combining Twitter with Product Hunt gave ShipFast maximum exposure.

Marc shows how you can build an audience on Twitter first before launching your product. This social proof helps ensure a successful debut.

Clearly, Twitter provides unparalleled opportunities for growth and visibility. But how exactly should small businesses without huge marketing budgets take advantage?

Looking back, here is how Marc said it last year:

I spent 1 year in the dark building “the next Facebook” 🤑 I launched and got 0 users. I was depressed, and couldn’t work for 3 months 🙄 I build in public since last year, shipping startups in under 2 weeks 🏗️ I earn $1000/mo and never felt happier 🤩

Look at how far he has come now! From $1k MRR to $50k MRR in just a year all thanks to building in public on Twitter!

Best Twitter Marketing Tools

For small business owners looking for a successful twitter marketing strategy, the first step is using Twitter marketing tools purpose-built to make Twitter marketing easy and effective.

Juggling a Twitter presence along with everything else can be challenging for resource-constrained solopreneurs and small teams.

AI Twitter tools pick up the slack by automating repetitive tasks, creating content, optimizing tweets, analyzing performance, and more.

Let’s explore the top AI Twitter tools and marketing tools available:


Typefully focuses on helping users write better tweets and threads with AI writing aids and prompts. It provides an intuitive, minimalist interface to compose tweets without distractions.


  • AI writing assistant offers contextual prompts and rewrite suggestions
  • Clean, distraction-free writing environment
  • Ability to schedule tweets and threads in advance
  • Cross-posting to LinkedIn to expand reach


  • Free plan limits scheduling to 5 tweets per week
  • Lacks some automation features like following and DMing users

Try TypefullyRead Review


Tweethunter utilizes powerful AI to generate engaging, viral-style tweets based on topics and styles you specify. It also offers automation for scheduling, analytics, and audience growth.


  • Massive library of 3+ million viral tweets to inspire content
  • Automates following, DMing users, and other growth tactics
  • Scheduling and queue management features
  • Detailed performance analytics


  • Focuses AI-generated content
  • No mobile app available
  • Free trial but paid subscriptions start at $49/month

Try Tweethunter


StoryChief provides AI writing aids but also acts as an all-in-one content marketing platform. It offers collaboration, multi-channel publishing, and built-in SEO optimization.

StoryChief is a robust Content Marketing Platform designed for startups, SEO marketers, and editorial teams aiming to amplify their reach.


  • AI writing assistant and customizable content prompts
  • Publish directly to social media, blogs, email
  • Content collaboration and workflow features
  • SEO and readability optimization tools


  • Better for teams and agencies

Try StoryChief


Hypefury automates Twitter activity like scheduling threads, managing notifications, and analyzing audience growth metrics.

Hypefury is a Twitter tool offering smart writing suggestions and automation features to simplify content creation and scheduling.


  • Specialized solely for automating Twitter tasks
  • Affordable pricing starts at $8/month
  • Easy-to-use interface


  • Light on writing features compared to alternatives
  • Focused only on Twitter, lacks publishing options

Try Hypefury

In summary, Typefully and Tweethunter excel at AI-powered writing while StoryChief and Hypefury focus more on automation and analytics.

This list only scratches the surface. There are dozens of AI tools out there to boost your Twitter productivity and results. The key is picking one tailored to your needs and budget.

Many provide free plans to get started. Take advantage of trials and special offers before committing.

Now let’s explore some proven tactics to grow your audience and engage followers — with or without AI tools.

How to Build Your Twitter Audience as an Indie Hacker

Twitter is not just a social network, it’s a community where you can establish yourself as an authority. Growing an engaged audience is the foundation of succeeding with Twitter marketing.

The larger your niche following, the more potential customers you can influence. Here are proven ways small businesses can build their tribe:

Identify Your Niche

  • Research hashtags and topics relevant to your product and target audience. Discover existing conversations in your space. For example, use relevant hashtags like #buildinpublic
  • Follow industry experts, micro-influencers, competitors, and engaged users in your niche.
  • Start posting content and engage with these communities to establish yourself as an authority.

Produce Valuable Content

  • Share useful insights, behind-the-scenes details, tips, actionable advice related to your niche.
  • Post regularly to stay top of mind and keep your Twitter feed dynamic and engaging. Vary content formats: threads, articles, infographics, quotes, Twitter polls, etc.
  • Ask questions to spark discussion. Seek feedback to improve your offering.

Optimize Your Twitter Profile

@illyism Twitter bio

  • Craft an informative Twitter bio highlighting your expertise and products.
  • Include a link in your Twitter profile.
  • Include a few links in your bio to your projects or what you’re working on.
  • Pin an important tweet like product launches or a summary of your best work.
  • Set your location.

Engage With Your Audience

  • Reply to questions and comments from followers. This improves the algorithmic visibility of your tweets.
  • Join related conversations using hashtags like #buildinpublic.
  • Like and retweet relevant tweets from those in your community.
  • Follow back those who engage with your content.
  • Send a nice DM to new followers to thank them for following you.

Partner With Micro-Influencers

  • Find influencers in your niche with engaged followings. Follow them and interact, reply to their tweets.
  • Offer value by sharing their content with your own following, tagging them or replying to their tweets.
  • DM and offer discounts or free products in exchange for reviews and endorsements.

Consistency and persistence are key. You won’t build a large, targeted audience overnight. But over time, these tactics will grow your tribe.

Now let’s look at ways to engage your followers and convert them into leads and customers.

Strategies to Engage Your Twitter Audience

Attracting followers is only half the battle. You also need ways to actively engage your audience.

This builds loyalty, generates leads, and increases conversions. Here are some proven engagement tactics:

Host Twitter Chats or AMAs

Twitter Spaces and chats are a great way to actively engage your audience. Hosting Twitter chats is one of the best ways to maintain active engagement with your followers.

  • Set a time and date for a Twitter Space where people can ask you anything. Promote it extensively beforehand.
  • Tag major influencers in your niche and request them to join or at least help spread the word. Offer them incentives.
  • During the chat, focus on providing value. Don’t overly self-promote. Keep responses conversational.
  • Maintain the chat momentum with regular new questions and insights.
  • Later, recap highlights in a thread. Turn key insights into blog posts.

Run Contests and Giveaways

  • Contests are a tried and true way to spark engagement on social media.
  • Give away free products, discounts, or access to premium content.
  • Require contest entries to follow you and retweet a post.
  • Consider teaming up with influencers in your niche to run joint contests to expand reach.

Poll Your Followers

  • Ask intriguing questions related to your niche, products, or expertise. Include images/video content when possible.
  • Survey followers to get ideas for new products, content, or features. Track responses in a spreadsheet.
  • Follow up on poll results in later tweets or aggregate findings into an in-depth report.

Provide Exclusive Value

  • Share coupon codes, discounts, early access, and other perks reserved for your Twitter followers only.
  • Give subscribers sneak peeks of upcoming products and content.
  • Create Twitter-exclusive content like reviews, how-tos, case studies, and compilations.

It’s super important to engage with your followers and provide value. This will help you build a loyal following and show you as an authority in your niche. People will naturally turn to you when they need your product or refer you to others.

Highlight User Wins

  • Ask followers to share how your product helped them solve a problem or achieve a goal.
  • Showcase the most inspiring stories as Twitter threads or testimonials on your site.
  • Tag featured users so they can share the spotlight with their own following.

The goal of these tactics is to demonstrate real value to your followers. This establishes trust and loyalty. When they’re ready to buy, they’ll naturally think of your brand first.

Next let’s explore Twitter marketing tips for subtly promoting your product in between all the value you provide.

How to Promote Your Product on Twitter

The key with Twitter marketing is avoiding overly promotional content. Followers are quick to tune out hard sells.

Instead, you want to subtly weave in mentions of your product among all the value you provide. Here are some ways to promote your offering:

Share Product Updates

  • Inform followers about new features, releases, promotions related to your product.
  • Explain how new additions will help solve specific problems for them.
  • Use images and video content to showcase your product’s capabilities.

Highlight Positive Reviews

  • Ask satisfied users for feedback and testimonials. Re-share the best ones on Twitter.
  • Tag featured reviewers so they can spread the word to their own following as well.
  • Turn especially compelling stories into Twitter threads.

Respond to Mentions

  • Set up search alerts for your product name and handle. Respond to all customer feedback and questions.
  • Provide support publicly so other followers can see your responsiveness. Take conversations private if needed.

Share Use Cases

  • Demonstrate your product’s value with examples of real customers solving problems.
  • Outline step-by-step use cases showing how an ideal buyer would use your solution.
  • Weave mentions of your offering into industry analysis threads. Your product should solve discussed issues.

The key is mixing in product mentions with all the other value you provide. Over time, followers will come to see your product as the go-to solution for their needs.

Now let’s move beyond just Twitter to maximize your impact across channels.

Cross-Promoting Your Twitter Presence

While cultivating your Twitter audience is essential, you also want to repurpose and highlight your top content elsewhere.

This expands your reach beyond just Twitter followers. It also strengthens your authority across your digital presence.

Here are some ways to get more mileage from your top-performing tweets:

Turn Threads Into Blog Posts

  • Transform your most in-depth threads into long-form guides on your company blog.
  • Expand each tweet into several paragraphs with actionable advice, images, examples etc.
  • Link back to the original thread so Twitter followers can share it.

Share to LinkedIn

  • Repost your most insightful threads in relevant LinkedIn groups to spark discussion.
  • Use your profile to highlight threads related to your expertise and industry.
  • Ask colleagues and connections to share your threads they find valuable.

Promote Launches on ProductHunt

  • When releasing a new product, share it on ProductHunt right as you announce on Twitter.
  • Encourage followers to upvote your ProductHunt post to gain more traction.
  • Later, share your ProductHunt post back on Twitter thanking those who upvoted it.

Email Newsletter Excerpts

  • In your regular newsletter, feature excerpts from top threads along with related commentary and links to drive traffic back to Twitter.
  • Convert threads into infographics included in your email campaigns.
  • Promote your Twitter handle prominently in all email newsletters.

Cross-promotion expands your reach while showing different audiences your expertise across channels. This strengthens familiarity with your personal brand and products.

Next let’s dive into analytics so you can track the data and refine your marketing efforts.

Analyzing Your Twitter Performance

The final crucial piece is analyzing metrics to understand what content resonates best with your audience. Following best practices in monitoring tweet impressions can help you refine your Twitter strategy.

This allows you to double down on what works and adjust what doesn’t. Here are key analytics to track:

  • Tweet impressions — monitor which tweets get the most eyeballs. Find your best-performing content formats.
  • Engagement rate — measure likes, retweets, and replies to see which tweets spur the most interaction.
  • Link clicks — see which tweets driving the most traffic to your site and products.
  • Top content — use analytics to identify your most popular types of tweets based on engagement and clicks.
  • Media performance — track engagement on tweets with images, video content, gifs vs just text.
  • Follower growth — monitor new followers over time to see impact of marketing efforts.
  • Demographics — analyze the gender, interests, locations, and other traits of your followers.
  • Peak times — Determine the best time when your followers are most active so you can schedule tweets accordingly.

Many Twitter analytics tools — both free and paid — are available to provide these insights. Review them regularly and feed findings back into your strategy.

The more you can make data-driven decisions about your Twitter presence, the faster you will see results. Tweak what works, eliminate what doesn’t.

Now let’s tie all these strategies together into an actionable game plan.

Putting It All Together: A Twitter Marketing Blueprint

Here is a step-by-step blueprint summarizing the Twitter marketing strategies covered to maximize your Twitter success:

  1. Set clear marketing goals — define your targets for followers, engagement, clicks, conversions. Track progress to goals with analytics.
  2. Research your niche — identify key hashtags, influencers, competitors, and conversations relevant to your product and target customers.
  3. Grow your audience — consistently provide value by tweeting tips, insights, behind-the-scenes details. Follow and engage with your community.
  4. Promote strategically- share product updates, user reviews, use cases, etc. But avoid overt self-promotion. Weave in mentions subtly.
  5. Monitor notifications — respond to all follower questions and mentions quickly and helpfully. Join related conversations.
  6. Engage followers — host Twitter chats, run contests, poll your audience, provide exclusive perks. Highlight customer wins and stories.
  7. Repurpose content — turn popular threads into blog posts, LinkedIn updates, and newsletter fodder to expand reach.
  8. Analyze data — use available metrics to identify your best-performing content. Refine your strategy based on data.
  9. Automate where possible — use AI tools to save time on repetitive tasks like scheduling, audience growth, and analyzing tweets.
  10. Be patient — building an audience and seeing results takes time and consistency. Stick with the strategies that deliver.
  11. Content calendar — with a tool like StoryChief or Typefully plan your content and schedule your tweets ahead of time.

Track your progress, learn from data, and iterate over time. Maintain a consistent presence focused on value. The results will come.

Twitter may seem chaotic on the surface. But with an effective twitter marketing strategy tailored to your business, it can drive major impact.

Now the power of Twitter marketing is unlocked. The only thing left is to start tweeting.

Will we see you and your business on Twitter soon? Send us a tweet @illyism and let us know!

