My tips to start blogging

Patrick Farrell
Creative Collisions
3 min readJan 18, 2018
You can’t fly until you start and try

I started this 90 day blogging challenge a little less than 2 months ago. I’ll be honest, today I don’t really feel like writing and some other days my schedule has made it difficult to get something published. But so far I have managed not to miss a day. I’m dedicated to keeping this going because if I miss a day, that means I’m starting back at day 1!

I had a friend yesterday ask me how I got started blogging and the simple answer is, I just started. I really didn’t think about it too much. I wrote one article about the software I’m creating, then the next day I wrote another, by the 3rd day I decided I mind as well continue and go through this challenge.

It is funny the barriers we put up in our own head. We think we can’t do something just because we don’t have the right skills or the enough time to do it. But each of us is capable of more than we think we are, those barriers are in our head.

As I have continued blogging, these posts have become easier and easier to write. My first few posts took up to 4 hours each to write but day-by-day, they became easier. Now the words flow out of my keyboard much easier. I’m also able to come up with blog post topics much easier as many of the latest blog posts are driven by ideas from previous posts.

I will say, you can’t assume your blog is going to take off right away. You should be writing to learn and go through this process, don’t expect lots of traffic after just a few blog posts. I was super excited when my traffic spiked after I wrote an article able drones, but since then traffic and been pretty flat.

I’m okay with that though, currently I’m writing for the consistency; to keep building the muscles that are required to go through this challenge and become a content creator. It’s not necessarily about how many readers you get, at least not yet.

I will say though, make sure you are writing for the reader, not yourself. Make sure you are providing value to their life so they can relate to it, read it, and learn something from it.

I have already seen a big impact on my life from these posts though. I have friends and previous co-workers calling me to tell me they appreciate the posts. I have a few publications that have been interested in the articles and reposted them. And I now have a few companies that have reached out to me to write articles for their publications.

If I didn’t just start, I wouldn’t be where I am today, 40+ days later. So that’s my advice to you today, just start, and worry about everything else later.



Patrick Farrell
Creative Collisions

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.