In thanksgiving for friends, and friendship

Kyle Matthew Oliver
Creative Commons Prayer
1 min readOct 18, 2017
“Sharing a joke” by Matthew C via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

O God, you make us for each other. By your will we seek out the company of others. By your presence you sweeten and warm, electrify or calm the spaces where we gather with our dear ones.

You nod along with our inconsequential debates. You relax into our companionable silences.

You soften our hearts in moments of deep sharing. You make resonant and raucous the dance clubs and dinner parties and day games where we lift up our voices and our hearts.

Above all, you concocted the unruly mystery of laughter, our most plentiful resource for bonding and forgiveness.

Bless our friendships with trust and commitment, with gentleness and patience, with at least occasional ease.

We pray this in the name of your Son, whose saving message of redemption would be unheard today were it not for his friends.


Creative Commons Prayer is a multimedia resource for people who pray, people who lead prayer, and people who create as a prayer practice. Learn more here. See full post with related resources here.



Kyle Matthew Oliver
Creative Commons Prayer

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