UE- Lines from the Book

Sushanth Shajil
Creative Concoction


It had been a long day. But one thing I had to cross off my list was still pending. The most important part. Talking to Mrs.Gabriella, my best friend’s mom.

My best friend & I had planned to take a break from the monotonous days at college, to go somewhere exciting, to do something fun.

I followed him into his house, our faces tired and worn out. Mrs.Gabriella greeted us both, asked us to get comfortable and trotted into the kitchen to get us something delicious to eat.

We both looked at each other, grinning sightly hoping Mrs.Gabriella would approve of our long deserved expedition.

“what will your mom say?” I asked.

He looked at me with a face of uncertainty and said “I don’t know, I think she’s going to let us go, besides I haven’t been anywhere much these days.”

Mrs.Gabriella brought us a hot cup of well deserved milk along with a couple of inviting biscuits. Yes, milk. because both of us preferred drinking milk rather than tea or coffee any day. We were a couple of 19 year olds who drank milk. Pretty bizarre. We were weird but atleast we were weird together.

Mrs.Gabriella sat down. She smiled at me and asked me a couple of questions about what we were upto. I slightly slipped my demands into the conversation while she was busy asking her to son to do something productive other than being at home all day, watching movies and slacking off.

“Um, Mrs.Gabriella, I was wondering if I could take Jason along with me for a small little expedition? just for a few weeks?”

“Sure. Why not? Anything would be better for Jason other than sitting at home” she replied.

She looked at Jason and Jason rolled his eyes over. Soon after, I gave my best friend a hug; and told him to be ready by 8 the next morning and that we could not afford to be late.

We met each other at the bus shuttle and decided to get our tickets out and board the bus.

It was 8:17am.

The bus was pretty empty for my liking but nothing could bother me. All I wanted was to go somewhere where no one could follow.

Jason & I sat next to each other, made ourselves comfortable. I threw my bag up in the empty compartment above and decided to read a book for a couple of hours. As I flipped a couple of pages, I saw a dark haired, skinny 19 year old board the bus. She had a dark red lipstick and it seemed like it was there just to flaunt.

As she got closer, I realized that the skinny 19 year old was none other than my ex-classmate and Jason’s long lost crush, Emelia. I had no problem with Emilia but I knew she wasn’t the right one for Jason. I did not know why Jason even liked her in the first place. She was not trustworthy nor was she fun. She made lame jokes and lived her life.

Jason looked at me and I immediately knew that I had to take the seat behind them and let Emilia sit next to him.

Didn’t bother me much but I kept a close eye on them. Time flew by, we were already 2 hours in on the journey. I listened to parts of their conversation and it was nothing interesting. Just both of them flirting at each other and jason grinning from ear to ear constantly.

A few minutes later, they both held hands. My attention completely shifted from my book to what was happening in front of me. Jason knew it was wrong but he didn’t want me to notice. He turned back and he found me looking at his face with utter disappointment. He knew I was going to be mad. Even though, I had repeatedly told him not to get close to Emelia, it was hard for him to listen.

His face turned blue and he knew that he had to explain and come up with a legit theory about why he did it.

This a small part from my book “UE”.

Its a book filled with mystery, action and adventure. A series of events occurring that might not make sense now but will be worth it in the end.

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