Fear Not…

How a SciFi movie helped me finish my dissertation proposal

Quantrilla Ard
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

“Fear is the mind killer.” — Frank Herbert, Dune

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Growing up, my father was somwhat of a sci-fi tv/movie buff, and I watched (often through covered eyes) some interesting things as a result. One movie in particular stuck a chord with me — although as a child, I didn’t fully understand the underlying message. However, as an adult, it is crystal clear. Dune is an old-school fantasy movie based on a book of the same name. In the movie, the main character Paul Atreides has to take a very important test in order to begin his journey. The test is a difficult one for him, and he speaks an affirmation to himself to overcome the hardest part of the test, fear.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear…Only I will remain.”

This movie and quote came to mind last week as I was facing a test of my own. I am in the deep weeds of my dissertation, and I am making great progress. Well, I was making great progress…

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this process, I am drafting my proposal, a document that explains all the details on how I will conduct my study. Once this document is approved by the committee chair and committee member, it needs to be approved by a university reviewer. Friends, I can’t tell you joy I experienced when I hit this milestone. My joy quickly turned to anguish, when I receieved feedback from the reviewer. The amount of questions, edits, changes, and suggestions threw me for a loop. I expected a few naturally, but I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.

I became mentally paralyzed. The imposter syndrome reared its ugly head in full force. I was stuck. So much so, that I could not look at my proposal for weeks. I would open it, wander through to attempt the changes only to close it after a few minutes. I began to substitute other tasks during the time I needed to be working on my proposal. I wanted to move forward, but I could not get past what was holding me back.

Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had friends who were moving forward in their studies — getting to the next stages of their dissertation process, graduating even. My husband, who is also in a doctoral program, is currently collecting his data. I was under pressure, the end of the quarter was fast approaching, and I was running out of time. I had to get my rear in gear! Here I had this awesome privilege of obtaining a PhD, and I was lost.

I needed to be a good steward of this awesome privilege I had been afforded.

  • First, I had to identify my problem. I couldn’t understand why I kept putting my task off. I was shown that I was wrestling with fear. Fear of not meeting the standard of the university reviewer, fear of not acheiving the quarter goal I set for myself, fear of simply not being enough. Perfectionism and procrastination had a rendezvous on my dime and created the perfect storm of apathy and self-pity.
  • Next, I had to take my own advice and ask for help. I requested prayer from friends, I scheduled phone conferences with my committee chair, and I asked fellow classmates to tell me how they had pushed through. I had to believe I wasn’t in this alone.
  • Last, I had to sit myself down and get it done. No distractions. I created space in my heart and schedule to grind through the doubt and fear, and put in the work. Guess what? When I actually began, it didn’t take long to complete my task. All this wasted time and feelings of anxiety, were for nothing. I had all the tools I needed and I was mentally capable of getting it done. Lesson learned.

Like my buddy Paul said in Dune, fear is the mind killer. I had allowed it to take my mind and heart hostage, and it almost compromised my mission. I was called to complete this task long before I began, and I am more determined than ever to get it done. Friends, if you have found yourselves wandering, procrastinating, fretting, avoiding, take a page out of my book and be encouraged. Face your fear, call it out. Shine a light in those dark, hidden places and ask yourself what is holding you back. Don’t give fear a place to take root. You too are called to a purpose, and only you can complete it. We’re in this together!

For more encouragement and discussion like this, join me here. I’d love to hear from you!

Quanny, The PhD Mamma



Quantrilla Ard

Quantrilla (Quanny) Ard is a faith-based personal and spiritual development writer who lives in the Atlanta metro area with her husband and three littles.