Q&A’s: Creative Content Kit

Creative Content Kit
3 min readApr 13, 2020

Hey Ana, what is the Creative Content Kit?

The Creative Content Kit is a practical tool, a deck of 65 cards, that grew out of my passion for creativity, my crafting skills and background in strategic design. It’s great for individuals but works especially well for agencies, content teams, independent creative businesses and start-ups. At its heart it’s for anyone who needs to ideate and create content strategy.

Creative Content Kit Leaflet

How long has it been around?

I first started putting it together during my Masters in Publishing in 2018. I felt the need to put into action all the new things I had learned about the tradition and modern reality of publishing. Throughout 2019 I tested the kit with real users, took their feedback on board, and made lots of improvements based on my users’ needs and suggestions. I’m delighted to tell you that BIS Publishers from Amsterdam, specialised in outstanding books on the creative arts and creative businesses just published it!

You can buy it from their website BIS and have it delivered acrross Europe.

What can I do with the Creative Content Kit?

Well, unlike a Tarot deck, it’s not for predicting the future. When I started to develop the project, I wanted to understand the content-management process and design a playful way to share my insights to help anyone who was not a publisher but needed to create content. What you can do with them is to visualise design and business tools, types of content, platforms, techniques and methods in a structure that is flexible, suggestive and collaborative. With the kit you can see the big picture of content strategy, plan what is best for your business, brand or products and get support for all your insights and ideas!

What made you start thinking along these lines?

I put my trust in Michael Bhaskar theory ‘The Publishing System’ (2013) and went off to do what designers like to do: apply all of those precious insights to a project. I settled on a playful yet educational tool widely used in design — method cards. They help us think visually and focus on the essentials when trying to solve a problem. I was already comfortable with such cards and reading a Survey of card-based design tools helped me to nail down the structure.

The cards make it easy and fun to create a plan. I needed some kind of liberating structure that gave users some guidance but could meet them halfway to join in with their own processes and ideas.

What have you been doing since?

Every user is bringing new interpretations to it, and they’re all striving for and achieving different goals. Independent creatives are using it to boost their content creation and improve engagements with their audiences. Creative and content agencies are reorganising their processes with the kit and improving the ways the teams communicate internally and with clients.

Stay connected through @finkcontent or subscribe in my website to receive news and promo codes. Come and join the people who are exploring and building from the Creative Content Kit :)

Ana B.

