Indie Author Day 2017: Presentation

Justin Dauer
Creative Culture
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017
My presentation at Indie Author Day 2017. Beyond design and authorship, I talked through successful promotion, publishing, and evergreen content.

I was invited to speak at this year’s Indie Author Day, which took place over this past weekend (October 14th).

The event is a global one, and represents a phenomenal opportunity to put aspiring authors, fans of writing, and people from the publishing industry directly in touch with authors themselves. The program is inclusive of:

  • An author panel featuring traditional, hybrid and self-published authors from the community
  • Book readings and signings
  • Writing workshops
  • Presentations and workshops to inform the writing community about tools available for them to use through a library
  • Author readings and open mics, featuring short segments of each author’s works
At my table, in between chatting with attendees

I and the other authors present each had a table to chat with attendees, sell / sign books, and talk about our experiences in writing and publishing. Amongst all the handshaking and conversations, it was such a great human-centered way to directly communicate with those who are passionate about writing.

For my presentation (which is available at the top of this article) — beyond design and authorship — I talked through successful promotion, publishing, and evergreen content. The final 5 minutes of the talk focused on the latter point (timely content, primarily through the lens of the Cultivating a Creative Culture web site) and unfortunately did not make it into the video. That said, you can simply visit the book’s web site to see the takeaways in practice :)

The day itself yielded a torrential downpour from morning to evening, so those who braved the elements to come out were greatly appreciated.



Justin Dauer
Creative Culture

Designer, author, & speaker. Wrote "In Fulfillment: The Designer's Journey" and "Creative Culture."