The Big Web Show: An Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman

Justin Dauer
Creative Culture
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2017

Listen to the podcast here

I had the opportunity to chat about Cultivating a Creative Culture with Jeffrey Zeldman on his award-winning Big Web Show podcast, which you can now listen to here. This was my second time on the Big Web Show: first as designer, now as author.

A sampling from our conversation:

Jeffrey: Justin you write about “The Mutual Win”; what does that mean to you, and can you explain that a little bit?

Justin: Well really The Mutual Win is about business and employee. I want to make sure it’s a known quantity that this isn’t a new age-y book about crystals and incense. This a book that yields results: a happy employee does phenomenal work, which translates to business success. Which translates to profit. Which translates to brand recognition. If the employee is well-supported and they feel like they have the tools to succeed and thrive in a non-patronizing sense, they’re going to do good work. They’re going to be charged to come in and create. It’s going to help their ideation processes, it’s going to help their interactions, and that’s going to make the office environment more dynamic and charged. That’s going to lead to organic marketing for the company, and that’s going to lead to phenomal work. So it’s a cylical process of being being recognized humbly and them in turn doing good work for the business.

The award winning Big Web Show features special guests and topics like web publishing, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. It’s everything web that matters.

Once again: it’s an honor and privilege, Jeffrey.

Listen to the podcast here



Justin Dauer
Creative Culture

Designer, author, & speaker. Wrote "In Fulfillment: The Designer's Journey" and "Creative Culture."