How My Biggest Mistakes Became My Lessons For Growth

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn something

Donnette Anglin
Creative Enlightenment


Photo by Varvara Grabova on Unsplash

I was a mistake since conception. This is what I jokingly tell people about my origin story.

Truth be told, I’m the product of an affair my mom had while she was married. I learned to live with this knowledge for much of my life.

Years later, I grew up and made my own mistakes — Getting married at 17 was the first big one. I’d never been in a prior relationship. I remember being scared about going to bed the first night after the wedding. The thought of sharing a bed with a man was frightening. I ultimately got divorced from that relationship.

Then another bad decision—I got involved with a married man. The relationship lasted many years. We became so attached, but we eventually came to our senses and ended it.

Soon I was a pro at making mistakes and again made a big one in the initial two years of my business. I lost a lot of money, but by then, I knew what I needed to do to correct and resolve the situation.

These are just a few of the major mistakes I’d make that I vividly remember.

Good people make mistakes too.



Donnette Anglin
Creative Enlightenment

Writing to make sense of life. Join me on the journey to becoming a better individual..