How My Storyline Trapped Me in a False Truth


I stopped confusing beliefs with facts to take charge of my destiny


We talk about creativity as if it’s this special form of thinking. However, all our thoughts are creative even if we don’t realise it. Without our creativity, we cannot make sense of the world around us.

We stream meaningless data 24/7 and give it meaning it doesn’t necessarily have, but we believe it to be true. That’s creative!

When you look at it this way, your thoughts / your creativity is the driving force of your life. It determines what stories you tell yourself about who you are. You think it’s factual, but a lot of what we think are facts are really our beliefs.

What story are you telling yourself and does it empower or disempower you?

If you are like me, you can fall very easily into one of two traps. The first is that everything that is right or working in my world is down to how smart, clever or deserved I am. I give myself a nice pat on the back.

Or the second is that everything that is not working is deeply unfair, wrong and feels out of my control. I don’t understand why this is happening to me and I don’t deserve it.

However, neither of these ways of thinking about things is helpful or true.



Paulina Larocca Creative Catalyst
Creative Enlightenment

Author of 3 published books on creativity. MSc of Creativity. Previous life, Innovation Director. Now consult on all things creativity and innovation related.