Transform Your Life With More ‘Lucky’ Encounters

It’s easier to ‘get lucky’ than you think!

Jen Gippel PhD
Creative Enlightenment


Two women sitting on a park bench paying no attention to each other
Pay attention and have more life-changing chance encounters.

Do you pay homage to the ‘goddess of chance?’ In Greek mythology, Tyche was the goddess of fortune, chance, and fate (good and bad). Anything that couldn’t be readily explained from floods to seemingly effortless wealth accumulation, was attributed to her. Even today it’s common for those starting a business venture to say “it will take hard work and a few lucky breaks”. But how often can what we call ‘luck’ be completely attributed to accident or fate?

Most of us, I included, will happily regale stories of lucky chance encounters that changed our lives. There’s something uplifting about the thought of ‘I got lucky’. It makes up a little for all the seemingly less lucky events of life and our good luck stories—embellished of course—entertain our friends. Just last week, my son-in-law happened to be visiting from interstate and he noticed a campervan for sale just like the one I’d been looking for over a year. I’d completely given up this dream because the vans were either too expensive or located too far from me to even bother to look. This one was almost in my backyard and turns out it was the perfect van and my dream to hit the road and write as I go is now a reality. If my son-in-law hadn’t been visiting on that day …well, all I can say is, “what luck!”



Jen Gippel PhD
Creative Enlightenment

Ph.D. Finance, MSc Creativity Studies | Combining science and personal experience I write about Aging, Creativity, and Life.