Why creative businesses thrive

Mikita Bazhko
Creative Existence
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018

So far I have explored what creativity is, the circumstances under which it exists, and how it can be developed, both artistically and in business. However, I have yet to really go in depth in terms of how and why creativity is beneficial in a business environment and that is the topic of this post.

Creativity’s role for humans

The reason why creativity is so valuable is that it not only manifests itself in artistic creations, but it also serves as a fundamental skill for human survival.

Ancient humans had to be creative about how to find drinkable water, catch animals, outsmart predators, grow crops, and build shelters. In fact, arguably the most important discovery of mankind — fire — would not have been possible without creativity.

Illustration of ancient humans with primitive tools and a fire in the background

With the invention of books and the internet, this is no longer something we need to be creative for. However, in the bigger picture, everything we do as a society and as individuals is still for the ultimate goal of ensuring our survival. Doctors, for example, do their jobs not just to save other people’s lives but also to earn money for themselves to survive.

It is the same with business. I doubt very many people have a true passion for the intricacies of business. However, business is one of the most prosperous fields so people learn how to finesse it in order to earn money. The problem is that many people have the same idea, so to truly be successful in this vast conglomerate you must be able to separate yourself from the masses. As my previous posts have explained that creativity is the physical manifestation of a human’s uniqueness, it is therefore arguably the most valuable skill for attaining and keeping a job.

Creativity’s importance for businesses

Lauren Landry, of Northeastern University, published an article about the effects of creativity for businesses. One of the examples of creativity this article brings up is Apple. Nowadays the sleek, minimalist design of Apple devices, iOS, and even the Apple stores themselves is simply a staple part of the brand that is imitated everywhere. However, when you stop to think that someone at Apple had to create and fully commit to this design choice which became one of the main reasons for the company’s success, you can truly understand the importance of creativity and originality in business.

The article also mentions that a survey by IBM of over 1,500 CEOs of various companies revealed that creativity was consistently ranked as the number one factor for future business success. As Landry explains it, “Creative leaders are more comfortable with ambiguity. And as industries continue to evolve, business goals and priorities will need to change. Eight in 10 surveyed CEOs said they expect their industry to become significantly more complex. Only 49 percent, however, are confident their organizations are equipped to deal with the transformation” (Landry, 2017).

In other words, companies value creative employees the most because they trust them to be able to deal with any uncertainty and any changes to their respective industries. Business can be volatile and as Murphy’s Law states, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Companies have to be prepared for the worst and creativity is the most surefire way to get out of any calamitous situation, or even prevent such a situation from spiraling out of control in the first place.

The Importance of Creativity in Business. (2017, November 9). Retrieved March 4, 2018, from https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/creativity-importance-in-business/

