Creative High-Fives: Open Handed Inspiration

Rachel Ma
Creative High Fives
2 min readJun 18, 2018

Stress, burnout, Mercury Retrograde — call it what you want, but I’m sure you’ve experienced something in life that makes you feel off.

Sometimes, those moments can be quick and forgettable; clock in early for a good night’s sleep and you’re back in action.

Climbing the wall of creativity

My worries start when weeks go by and the good nights of sleep don’t add up to anything. It’s my personal nightmare: When I’m feeling off, it means my creativity is also off. I can’t think of anything worse for someone in a creative field than to feel unmotivated, uninspired and unmoved.

The tweet that started it all. Source

That’s when I call for a creative high-five, something that will give me a little boost of creativity. It’s that gentle nudge in the rib that wakes me from the drowsy state of creative sluggishness. It can be something to read, something to watch, and of course, something random from the internet. This blog is dedicated to all the things that have personally helped me turn those off moments back on.

The posts are quick, straightforward and light; it’s a taste rather than a full meal. My goal is to share things that helped me get back on the creative track and hopefully help others get past those I-feel-off moments too.

Here are the topics and posts for this series:

As you’ll notice, none of them are directly related to design because I don’t always think design inspires design. In fact, when I’m feeling low on creativity, the last thing I want is to drown myself in the very thing I’m lacking. Sometimes, I just need to work from a coffee shop.

This article was originally posted on March 26, 2018 for DesignedUX.



Rachel Ma
Creative High Fives

Product Designer at ecobee. One good tweet per sprint.