About Creative Humans

Lindsay with an a
Creative Humans
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2018
Mixed media image © Lindsay Linegar 2013

*No longer accepting submissions

*Updated guidelines 17 June 2019


Creative Humans is a community of storytellers who are passionate about the creative process and believe creativity to be a life-giving tool that can lead to healing and empowerment. We think every human is creative and has something beautiful to contribute to the world.

We place a greater emphasis on the creative process rather than the outcome, and enjoy creating for its own sake regardless of what we produce. We believe that the true joy lies in the process.

Creative Humans is not a place with a spirit of competition or comparison. There is enough of that in our world to go around already. This will not be a space filled with negativity or hate, but rather one that is a beacon of light in the online sphere.

Creative Humans will house stories that focus on creativity. It will not be a publication that has stories about anything and everything.

Wanna Play?

If you want to be part of our community, please consider submitting a story about your experience as a creative human, celebrating creativity and process. Although this is not a space to focus on perfection, here are some guidelines to keep in mind before submitting:

  1. Please make sure you are in line with Medium Rules, and if you are submitting your story for the Partner Program, please make sure you are also following Curation Guidelines.
  2. Submissions in draft format are preferred.
  3. If you include image(s), please provide image credit. This can be your own image or one you choose from a free site, such as Unsplash.
  4. Please do your best to edit your piece for grammar and spelling. While we do our best to edit, we don’t always catch every mistake.
  5. We also believe the first time something is published should be the last. Though we can always rework our stories — and as writers, we probably will for the rest of our lives — reposting exact stories on Medium is something we can’t quite wrap our brains around. It also goes against Medium policy.

When you’re ready, email a link to your draft to creative dot humans dot publication @ gmail dot com. If your story is accepted, you will be added as a writer, notified, and you can then submit your draft. Click on those three little dots at the top right, then “Add to publication” and choose Creative Humans.

Looking forward to reading your story and being in community with you!



Lindsay with an a
Creative Humans

Yoga teacher, adventurer, storyteller happily based in California 🌼 Find me on Substack