Source — (Pixabay)

Epiphany Dance

I am definitely infected

Creative Humans
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2020


Just as the children went into the forest they quickly came running back out, all of them screaming.

No, this is not a Stephen King story. I was just playing. I closed my eyes and emptied every thought out of my noggin. Then, after taking a deep breath, I just wrote the first thing that came into my mind. I do that a lot. It’s fun. Do you ever do that?

Yesterday I tested positive for the Epiphanyvirus. I had three significant epiphanies; one concerning mind, one concerning body, and one concerning spirit. Don’t you love it when things happen in threes like that?

As for the mind epiphany I abruptly realized that I’m an idiot. That notion comes to me from time to time but yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I had clicked on a link to watch a video and I was taken to Instagram. I had never been on Instagram before in my entire life. I try to avoid social media like I try to avoid pandemics — especially if Mark Zuckerberg is involved in any way. But I had also wanted to check it out to see what all the fuss was about. So after watching the video I decided to sign up. After all, I had it in the back of my noggin to dig out my camera from its hiding place and start taking pictures again.

