Battered Beauty All Rights Reserved © Robin Bownes 2018

Life & Death Romance

RobinB Creative
Creative Humans
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2019


We were younger
When we first met
Not young
But younger

When we first met
Our lives were over
Eros defiled
Stripped of hope

When we first met
Our wounds
Drew us together

When we first met
We couldn’t conceive
Joy beyond failure
Elation beyond baggage

When we first met
In ten years since
We dreamed
Of ageing together

When we first met
I ne’er supposed
That while I aged
You’d grow no older

Rest now
My joy in tatters
’Til we first meet

Inspired by, and in honour of an old school friend. I met his lovely wife of about 10-years just a month ago. She died suddenly last week. Her memorial service was today. Sometimes nostalgia can flow from a broken heart.

