Sing A Song

La, la, la, la, la.

Mark Starlin
Creative Humans
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019


Photo by Felix Koutchinski

I am beginning to think America has gotten it backward when it comes to music. We are becoming a nation of music listeners instead of music makers.

In times past people gathered around the family piano, or a guitar on the porch, and sang together for fun. People sang while they worked (have you done that lately?) Soldiers sang while they marched. Even slaves, suffering the worst kind of injustice and cruelty, sang while they labored.

People sang together in pubs. Almost every town had a community band or choir. Making music was a social event. Music drew people together and singing was as natural as talking.

Home Sweet home by W. Denday Sadler • Public Domain

Sadly, it seems concerts or church are the only places people feel comfortable singing in public anymore. I guess in this age of super-stars, people feel they have to be great musicians to sing or play music. Which is a shame. They are missing out one of the great joys of life.

Sure, not everyone can be a great singer (don’t I know it), but that shouldn’t stop you from singing. And anyone can improve with practice. Even if you can’t sing well, anyone with working hands can learn to play an instrument. It is simply a…

