Consume Cherry Blossoms In Moderation

Isn’t over-consumption of anything being ill-advised already a given in life?

Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2023


A profusion of cherry blossoms; photo taken by the author

Lucky are those of us who happen to be close to or exactly under cherry blossoms when the wind blows. The blossoms are like falling snow.

Trust me, it feels magical when this happens. This snow-like fall of blossoms can either be pink or white, depends on the colour of the cherry blossoms.

The harbinger of spring, cherry blossoms are not only cherished for their beauty. In Japan, they are also revered. Who can blame the Japanese?

Cherry blossoms, or sakura as called in the country, is also a symbol of renewal and fresh start.

What I hold, however, which is just as important as the cherry blossoms’ beauty and symbolism, is the fact that the flowers AND the leaves are edible. Just don’t consume too much. And don’t eat the pips as too much of it could be toxic.

Cherry blossoms blown by high winds, from the neighbour’s tree and into our garden; photo by the author

But isn’t that a given in life, especially when it comes to the food we eat? That is, consume with moderation. Do not overdo anything.



Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.