Feeding Bread To Ducks Is Bad Bad Bad

Sadly, common knowledge is not common at all

Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!


Photo taken by the author at Crow Nest Park lake in Yorkshire, England

Ultimate Junk Food

Feeding bread to ducks, I have thought, is common knowledge. I was wrong. Not everyone is aware that bread is an unhealthy food for ducks. This goes for other birds in the wild, feeding them bread is bad.

Being a highly processed food, bread has no nutrition at all. This is why it is regarded as the ultimate junk feed for ducks.

Fattening the birds is dangerous

Photo taken by the author at Crow Nest Park lake in Yorkshire, England

Bread fattens the ducks. This is dangerous for them.

When they are heavier than their acceptable weight, it would affect their ability to fly.

If they could not fly quickly enough to escape predators, they would be vulnerable to being attacked, or worse, being a meal for raptors.

Bread, aside from potentially causing malnutrition on ducks, also harms the habitat like the lakes, rivers, waterways.



Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.