Pick & Pickle Me Quick

Says the magnolia

Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2023


This is one of two magnolia trees in my new garden. While there are still plenty of buds, baby leaves have started to sprout and will very soon replace the flowers. (Photo by the author)

Beauty, as the cliché goes, is in the eye of the beholder. You may find someone, or something, beautiful but another might perceive this someone, or something, repulsive.

But who amongst us would not see the inherent beauty in flowers?

Until recently or specifically, when my husband and I moved last summer in a property with a walled garden, my budding interest in plants, trees, and flowers has blossomed a hundredfold.

That first summer, however, my initial curiosity in the plants and bushes in the back garden was piqued.

Why is it walled?

Why did it have plants and bushes that are connected to healing and magick?

Why did it seem to have more toxic plants and flowers, than edible flowers?

Is the original owner who designed the gardens (front and back of the house) and planted the now well-established plants and bushes into herbalism and witchery?

But don’t mind my musings. It’s just my over-creative mind meandering into fantastical theories. 😊

Now, towards the middle of our first spring in the property, I am surprised at the blossoming beauties in the garden.



Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.